Texas flood

Yeah it’s been raining almost every single day for about 3 weeks. we’re up to like 32 inches with more heavy rain to come and our yearly average is 36 inches. Hell, Marble Falls got 18 inches in a single day and they’re about 30 minutes north of here. floooooooding. it’s like Vietnam or something. And then the sun comes out long enough to get the moisture all back in the air and it feels like you’re walking through a warm jello mold.
And Cait is getting here Friday at 3PM! And we’ve got a whole WEEK of fun lined up and we’re gonna do all sorts of things like go to an icecream social at my uncle’s house and make homemade peach ice cream with hand picked peahes and play poker, go to a recording session with Phoenix Saga, a gig benefiting the Austin Humane Society where Phoenix Saga will be playing, appartment hunting, possibly karaoke (though she said she doesn’t want to sing… we’ll see.) , BLOWING SHIT UP and firecracker tank battles on blow-shit-up-for-America Day, catch up on movies that the sheltered child hasn’t seen, watch anime, go to the Alamo Drafthouse, and of course…. the fun all ends with the Rocky Horror Picture Show at said Alamo Drafthouse.
Also I got a new computer that can adequately meet my gaming needs. woot. ttfn!

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June 28, 2007

ugh, i can relate. it rains here constantly and then it gets all humid and gross. yuck. i want to make homemade ice cream with you! and pretty much all the other stuff you mentioned, as well. cait is LUCKY.

June 28, 2007


June 29, 2007

aww hell. Rocky Horror Picture Show. wow. 🙂

June 29, 2007

Our little county has the national guard here and news teams because of all the flood. We went hiking at the old zoo in the pouring rain yesterday though and it was great! We were referring to it as Viet Nam too.

July 2, 2007

thanks for the canada day wishes, bb. i didn’t think anyone in american actually knew when that was! i’m impressed. 🙂

July 2, 2007

LOL Yep, Texas weather is the shit like that… Sounds like a blast… : ) Peace and health-