strange luck!

Lots of weird things have been happening lately.  These bored cops over on Mellow Meadow drive have stopped us TWICE for having a faulty light over our lisence plate.  Of course the second time happened to be late at night when we were driving the 2 blocks to Taco Bell.  I really don’t like Williamson County Sheriffs.  They try to scare the shit out of you and then let you off with a warning to seem like they’re being nice.  Anyway I didn’t have my lisence on me because I didn’t feel the need to find my wallet if I was going to a place barely a minute away.  Of course it figures that I get pulled over the one time I don’t have ID with me.  At least they had me of file from the last time they pulled me over for the same stupid thing.  But the guy at the Taco Bell saw the whole thing go down and so he gave us our drinks for free.  I got pulled over for the second time for the same thing, no driver’s lisence, got let of with another warning, and got free drinks out of it.  how the hell lucky is that?  I seriously live a charmed life.

And just today, Cait and I got up for work, pulled out of the apartment complex, and just past the stop sign at the high school, we see this red Honda Civic pulling over to the side of the road.  Well I figured that he was parking to go to school because the street is always lined on both sides with cars, so I was about to go around him when the dude pulls an illegal U-turn right the hell in front of me.  Needless to say, even going 25 MPH I still smacked into him.  I pulled off the road because I could feel the front passenger side tire go flat and I got ready to give this guy all hell for being such a dumbass when the guy pulls up next to me and McLovin gets out of the car.

Naturally all my ranting was going to go to waste on the most shocked and nervous looking kid I’ve ever seen in my life, with me in my Lucha Libre mask red shirt and ass kicking workboots, and my tattooed, purple haired girlfriend built like Rosie the Riveter.  I kinda felt sorry for the guy.  And yes he looked just like McLovin.  Maybe a little cuter, though.  I didn’t want him to piss his pants so all I could say was "What were you thinking man?  You know, there’s a reason it’s called an illegal U-turn."  Anyway, long story short, I called and woke up my mom (who was groggy after staying up until 2AM playing Lord of the Rings Online and killing albino wargs in Angmar for their pelts) and she came and picked me up and brought me back to her house to get the truck, and when I got back, Cait and I had a lovely picnic of Taco Bell and listened to the birds getting it on, enjoying our little break from work while we waited for the tow truck.

Now, the tow truck driver was a pirate.  I think.  He was wearing a black eye patch and he had a gruff voice.  He was indeed a cyclops.  He was a pretty cool guy too.  Just as Cait was thinking "my poor baby!"  He says "awww poor baby!"  as he checked out the damage on the car.  We followed him in the truck down to the body shop, where the guy was kinda unfriendly, but after we filled out all our car info for him we went back outside to get the tow truck estimate from the pirate.  It was $75, but McLovin’s parents had full coverage insurance.  Since McLovin was at fault all that would pay for our damages, and our butts are covered.  Likely they’re going to declare the car totaled, but we can use the money they pay us as a down payment on a new car, and just get a new tire and a new headlight and keep the Cutlass Supreme.  That way we’d have 2 cars just in case.

PLUS this wreck gives us an excuse to fix all the other problems that the car had like the blinky digital dashboard readout and the broken seatbelt on the passenger’s side.  Possibly even the lisence plate light that got us pulled over before.  So I get into a wreck, meet McLovin, have a picnic, skip half a day of work, enjoy a beautiful sunny morning with Cait, meet a pirate tow truck driver, and we get the car paid for by a rich momma’s insurance.  Fucking brilliant.  I must be getting some Karmic payback.  Well, I’m gonna go pick Cait up form work now.  Later!

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April 28, 2008

I love the positivity. This entry cracked me up most of the time. . .

June 20, 2008

You have all the luck. I wanna meet a pirate tow truck driver.