
I didn’t think you guys would react the way yall did to my last post.  I’m not saying anyone older than me is like George Bush, and I’m not saying they’re ALL stubborn assholes, and I wasn’t trying to generalize because as we know all generalizations are stupid.  I was just reflecting on how I could feel so old one week and suddenly feel so young the next.  I know there are plenty of innovative awesome older people like Bob Kane or my grandpapa or my parents, or Sara’s parents, or Whispering still, or Wayne Alan Brenner, or Whoopi Goldberg, but I still feel that gap.  I didn’t grow up with the same things yall did.  I’m just saying I’m noticing it more now than before.  For instance, my mom worked with computers way back when they were a new idea and she did code checking for an insurance company, so from a very very early age I learned a lot about them and it’s still a strange concept to me to think of people growing up without them.  then again it works both ways because it makes me feel really old when I know what DOS is and how to use it and wish it were still a viable operating system and the punkass young kids working at the computer repair store don’t even know how to spell it, much less how to use it.  anyway.  take care.

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March 15, 2007

i guess the internet is kind of a difficult place to get your point across sometimes. but i get what you’re saying, friend.

March 15, 2007

DOS may be the past. But Super Chicken is forever! Boc-ak!