
Just when I was on the verge of feeling bummed out, useless, depressed, lonely, and generally mopey, something amazing happens.  Something extraordinary that just lights me back up like a pinball machine on ball #2.  We got a gig at Emo’s yall.  The place where I went to see The Go! Team.  The place where I went to see Reggie & the Full  motherfucking Effect. photobucket - video and image hosting

Yes.  I’m combing my moustache with the bass player.  That’s how much this place rocks.  This is one of the primier venues in Austin for indie bands to play.  If you play Emo’s you’re hot shit.

It just so happens that our shit is on fire right now.  We’re actually in a battle of the bands called Buzz Oven.  They started out as a group of volunteers in Dallas who would promote local bands by making compilations CDS of their music and swarming local highschools and colleges.  Now 5 years and 150,000 free CDs later they’re expanding to Austin and we got a mail in myspace about it.  It sounded kinda of scam-ish but upon further thought about the time and place of its occurance I decided that it was worth persuing.  There are 10 slots for bands to play (20 minutes a piece) and it was first come first serve.  Either we could ask for tickets and not recieve a time slot until we sold a total of 30, or buy 20 ourselves ($10 per ticket makes $200 down payment) and guarantee a slot in the competiton.  Because I know we’re lazy fuckers and we’d somehow manage to screw up and not get 30 sold before all 10 slots filled up I’m taking one for the team on this and putting the $200 down myself.  We are ABSOLUTELY playing in this damn battle of the bands.  We are absolutely fucking winning.  I don’t care who else shows up.  I’m psyched.

In other news, I got a membership on  That is probably the best $4/month I’ve ever spent.  Seriously!  Do you know how many fucking hot Canadians are on that site?  And the members are is like… a hybrid between Gaia online, myspace, and the best porn site ever.  There are personal profiles for everyone incuding all of the SGs, where everyone tells a little about themselves, and they can post personal pictures and artwork that they made, and they even have calendars where you can mark important events in your life and leisure, and each person can keep a blog there too.  I don’t know if I’ll actually keep one on SG or just copy entries from here or what, but we’ll see.  Also there are numerous chat forums and groups to join where people can post messages and comments to people on any topic under the sun and also where the sun don’t shine.  It has a real sense of community about it, and I’ve already got 14 friends.  all 14 friends just so happen to have the most beautiful naked pictures, but it’s so artistic and original it almost serves to better define the personality of the girl than to serve as a cumdumpster.  Which is HELLA awesome because I sent private thank you notes to each one of the friends who added me and each one of them responded, bless their hearts.  I’ve even started some great conversations with some of the girls.  It’s fun because I feel like I’m talking to celebrities but they’re all so nice and open it’s kinda crazy.  And let me reiterate how CUTE these girls are. photobucket - video and image hosting

They’re just as awesome on the inside as they are beautiful on the outside.  I had a conversation with one girl, Aura as she’s known on SG, and we had a competition to see who was nerdier.  I so won.  She came close though, but I know Herbert Midgley.  It’s hard to beat that.  Since she lives in Austin she’s gonna come to see some of our shows, or so she says.  That would be swell.  Anyway.  I was getting all gloomy and now I’m happy again.  My life has purpose and direction!  We’re going to work on a Photo shoot this weekend for the band and work on some press kits and work on making demo CDs and stuff then we’ll promote the pus out of the show at Emo’s in every possible way.  I have to get to calling everyone in my phone like tomorrow or something.  Also my week is booked up.  Wednesday is band practice, Thursday is the Snakes On A Plane premier at the Alamo Drafthouse, Friday I know it’s something important but I so can’t remember what, Saturday I’m probably gonna be busy especially with chores, and Sunday is the tenative day of the photo shoot.  once more into the breach!

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August 16, 2006

You and your Canadians. Who would it be with me? I think probably cute guys with Irish accents. Although the Irish Guy:Cute ratio is probably much smaller than the Canadian Girl:Hot ratio.

August 16, 2006

i am in love with her bellyfreckle, but my bellyfreckle still totally wins.

August 16, 2006

Knock em dead at the battle of the bands!

August 17, 2006

oh shit. did you grow all that facial hair since I was down? nice. wow.

August 19, 2006

I like Canada. Although I usually prefer men. Congratulations on the gig and whatnot! That’s great news. =)

August 20, 2006

That’s probably a good reason not to teach. LoL. Although they’re pretty frustrating, sometimes . . . you realize how young high schoolers are when you’re responsible for them!

August 20, 2006

haha, i love how often you talk about hot canadians and things of the like. you make me laugh, silly boy. also, congrats on the gig at emo’s! you guys totally fucking rule and i’m not even joking.