Quirky little me.

ok I’m going to try something I think I saw somewhere else but I can’t remember where.  I’m going to list 5 quirks about myself.

Ok where to start?  Oh yeah!  I like to look at the back of a stranger’s head and try to figure out what thier face looks like.  I have found that someone’s hair often has a direct correllation between how handsome of the face people are.  it’s weird.  People with nasty hair that looks like ground meat often have a face that also resembles ground meat.  People with lush and beautiful hair more often than anything are the ones who look pretty.  The one thing I can’t seem to figure out is how to tell if they have a big nose.  Other than that I’m incredibly accurate.  So much so that I surprise myself.

I like to look at the faces of people driving along the road while I’m in traffic.  this works best when I’m not driving, but being at the wheel doesn’t stop me.  I especially like to look for cute girls.  You’d be surprised at how few there are sometimes… I figure I’m never ever going to see that particular girl again in a city this size so why not take my time and soak her in?

I hold my breath without thinking about it.  Most of the time I don’t realize I’ve stopped breathing until I start running out of air.  This also ties in with holding my breath when cars pass me when we’re not separated by a double yellow line.  I don’t know why I do this and I think it may have stemmed from a game I played as a kid, but now I can’t seem to stop.  Whenever a car passes me by and they’re not separated by a median or at least 2 solid yellow lines I stop breathing until the car is past.  Kinda like I don’t want them to see me or something.

I like to take up as little space and make as little noise as possible in everything I do.  Even as far as breathing and walking and chewing.  When my nose gets one of those annoying wheezes in it I can’t sleep and I have to clear my nose out.  I also think it’s cool that I can walk past things hanging into my path with out touching them with little or no maneuverability.  Being skinny helps.  Sometimes I practice sneaking.

Sometimes I fall asleep when I’m on the toilet.  If I’m exhausted and I sit down and my mind happens to wander sometimes I doze off on the pot.  This has happened at work before too, where I find the imprint of my pants on my arms where I fell asleep on them.  Also my legs fall asleep.  Which I don’t dislike.  I only wish it weren’t so uncomfortable.

And so ends my entry on quirks.  I may have more but I can’t think of them.

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October 28, 2005

I’ve fallen asleep on the toilet once. But I fell off and hit my face on the wall. Not as good a story.

October 28, 2005

five reasons why you’re one of my favourite people in the universe.

November 5, 2005

Hehee..this was a good entry. You know I love to look at people when I drive too. People do the funnest things as they are driving a long too. Like singing away or picking their nose. Its great.