northing tor wrirte

I don’t actually have much to write… but we should bring some holy santos to the school to guard the hallways.  I watched Napoleon Dynamite today.  again.  strange movie.  I still can’t picture Jon Heder as anything but a nerd that’s exactly like he is in the movie.  Apparently he’s in a new movie coming out soon where he’s supposed to be some kind of cool surfer… so we’ll see.  if he pulls it off then he’s like the best actor in the universe.  screw Tom Hanks.  Also Phoenix Saga has a show on Friday!  Anyone in the area who reads this and doesn’t come, I hope you contract leprosy and fall apart.  Because it’s going to be on september 16th… diez y seis de septiembre. Mexico’s independance day.  We are having a freakin fiesta.  Shit now that I think about it I’m considering buying a piñata just for the occasion.  Common Grounds Coffee Shop in Round Rock Texas at the intersection of Red Bud Ln. and Gattis School Road.  Right by the giant Albertsons.  You can’t miss it.  The Cooper Effect is coming out of thier hiatus just to play at this one show!  this is a rare opportunity to get to see Wes’ show, because he’s one funny dude.  and… just between you and me, I called up my friend Joey and he might well be there.  Joey Shuffield.  He’s the drummer of Fastball.  We’ve known him well on 8 years since before he ever got famous.  How can you miss out on an opportunity not only to meet but to hang out with us and Wes and Joey?  Speaking of Joeys, Joey Alba, the guitarist for Phoenix Saga, may have a job!  at a car rental place.  WOOT!  we can so do road trips if he lands this job.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, God, don’t screw Joey over!  Or you’ll be the one with the mega-saur-ass.  also another Joe has a bit of news… Joe Kraft the Drummer of Phoenix Saga got stitches.  in his knee.  got attacked by a rogue lisence plate.  and speaking of stitches… Kat got stitches in he finger.  closed her hand in a car door or something.  I bet it was a mini-van.  mini-vans are tangible evidence of evil.  everyone’s getting stitches lately…  if current trends keep up, it’s either Joey or Robin that’s next!  I got stitches too!  I never wrote about it.  I forgot.  but yeah… Me and Martin and Kelly and Kat went to Schlitterbahn water park in New Braunfels.  we went on a couple innertube rides and we just went to the huge wave pool at the old section of the park when I was coming up for air after swimming under water and I got run over by a jerk in a tube and smacked my chin on the side of the pool in such a way that it popped right open.  6 stitches.  biotch.  Kelly was totally hot.  A few times I had to stay waist deep in the water.  Yeah.  Boys would know what I’m talking about.  which reminds me!  I had a dream last night and I almost remembered it.  I know it involved about 12 deliciously naked ladies and my hat collection.  and one of the girls was trying to kill the rest of us.  and I had to ferret her out.  and kill her.  gahhh I wish I could remember the rest!  I used to be so good at remembering my dreams!  I’ll be sure to get the next one.  anyway.  I gotta go.

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September 10, 2005

RYN: I am a corrections officer in a county jail. We have state inmates who come in from the state facilities. We just got two new females in and they drive me crazy. They seem shady and like they are always trying to get away with something, plus they are just kind whiny.

September 10, 2005

So Jon Heder is gonna try and be a cool surfer dude? Wow..hope they dont want us girls to think he is hot! 🙂 Hehee…yeah I cant see him as anything but nerdy too. I used to write down ALL my dreams. I have huge books that I kept. It was cool, I dont do it anymore but I need to. I think writing them down helps you remember more and more each time you dream.

September 10, 2005

lately i’ve been remembering my dreams more often. maybe that’s becuase almost all of them involve me being chased and or hunted by crazy murderers who kill everyone i ever knew and who try to kill me, but i always run away and hide and then they find me and the dream ends there.

September 10, 2005

i had one about someone spearing a dead baby a little while ago, even though i asked them REPEATEDLY not to… (seriously man. what the fuck.) annnnyway. it’s good to see you writing again. lets try to make this more of a regular occurrance, mkay?

September 11, 2005

I’ve yet to see that movie. xD interesting dream yerself.

September 12, 2005

leprosy…wow, harsh…kinda glad im not in the area…but then again, i wish i could make the show… whats even weirder (may not be a word) is that Jon Heder (or whatever his name is) is a twin…dos Napoleons cracks me to bits…LMAO ciao