my so called life

image hosted by I was born on the coldest day of the year in 1982 during a freak blizzard.  I was always adverse to cold weather because of it. Still I had what one might call a dangerous childhood. At least by today’s standards.

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See we played on metal playscapes with sharp edges and monkeybars. Today’s children get crap. God forbid they actually get HURT on something. See back in the 80s I led a pretty tame life. I was a country boy through and through.

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And yes, all real Texans know how to ride a horse, hoss. See me in the black t-shirt?

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I was virtually the same age as my cousin brandon.

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We were *supposed* to be born on the same day but instead he was born early and I was born nearly a month late. Still we were always together. Inseperable is the word.

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or adorable. works either way, right? We even graduated in the same class.


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3 years after we were born, Brandon’s brother Dustin joined up with us and we’ve had some of the best times.

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My sister and I generally had a good relationship.

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I guess she kinda looked out for me, even though she was devious. I would chase her around with a large baseball bat. (sorry no picture of that. It’s probably in the same place the picture of me in her ballet tutu is because she was evil)

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Still, we get along just fine. We even took swing dance lessons together.

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We sucked. yay!

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I consider myself a musician, but I’ve been so much more in my life… jazz band member

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bounty hunter…

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penultimate fantasy character…

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a rebel and a loner…

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a rennaisance man of sorts…

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but still always uniquely me.

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Ever since I was born, I know my mother could tell I was up to no good.  She knew there was something different about me.  Notice the horns.

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They put warning labels on pill bottles because of kids like me. I was comandeering caterpillar tractors since I was in diapers.

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See… my mother suspected it before I did, but I’m not human. I’m some sort of imp. Even when I’m trying to be innocent, there’s still something going on.

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Luckily I haven’t been arrested yet. They don’t know it yet but I plan to take over the world. Soon it will be too late.

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I come from a great legacy. My lineage is strong and I know my roots. image hosted by

I’m pretty big on family and loyalty. These are my kin. my blood.

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I always enjoyed traveling and sometimes I’d go visit my relatives in other places. Like Sun City Arizona.

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 How come in what seems like every state in the US there’s a place called Sun City, and it’s a place full of old people? The birthrates in these places are generally 1% or less. Lucky for me I’ve got plenty more life to live. I ain’t done with this monkey business.

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Speaking of travel and monkey business, I love how you can go to an IHOP anywhere in the US and find the craziest people.

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I hope its the same everywhere… but I do clean up nice.

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I’m totally a child of the 80’s. I always have been and I always will be.

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 I’ve been a bit of a trendsetter as

well. I’ve always been on the cutting edge of fashion, but that’s just because I knew what I liked.

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yeah. remember when jams were cool? I got in on airwalks, bugle boy, even mossimo.

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 all before thier time.

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And so it goes as time moves on…

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 friends come…


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and friends go…

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and here I am through all of it.

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And I am thankful. Happy thanksgiving everyone.

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November 24, 2005

that was deep

November 24, 2005

That was awesome. And I can relate to growing up in the 80’s. I myself am a product of the 80’s, the very start of them actually. Come to think of it, I was born on a crappy day in November…interesting…Happy Thanksgiving (even though my Thanksgiving was over a month ago :P)

November 24, 2005

I loved this entry. And the picture 6 from the bottom…both people in it are smoking hot *Mel

November 24, 2005

i sort of canÂ’t believe how hot you are, especially in that last picture. le wow, dude. you totally need to make out with me sometime.

November 24, 2005


November 24, 2005

What a neat entry. And I so agree with all the hot comments above. When you’re through making out with policecops, tell me if you’re in to older women 😉 ryn: yes, thats my art. I don’t want to teach high school; would like to teach at college level but still am a little intimidated about getting started on my MFA.

November 24, 2005

Oh, fav pic: second from the bottom.

I loved your life tale!!! Love all the pictures. Especially the one where you were sitting on your bed looking scheisty!!! Lol. You will always be my favorite boy. You gotta a special place in my heart. I hope your Thanksgiving was good. Much luv & L8rs, Incubschic78

November 24, 2005

Hey hottie…those are the best pictures!!! It was fun looking at all of them. Pullllleasssse tell me YOU were the one in the bounty hunter costume?! Do you still have it?!! Can we roll play?!! Heheee. Yummy.