Jeeez! leave the politics OUT of Star Wars!

Ok, it’s bad enough that Lucas has to ruin his best franchise by pumping out 2 second rate CG-fests in a row, but to say that he’s commenting on the current administration through Anakin… excuse me, Hayden’s line "If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy" is just plain retarded.  Vader would have HAD to say something along those lines regardless of who the president of the united states was, it just so happens that George W Bush is just as pompous and narrow-minded as Hayden’s character when he makes his final step towards the dark side of the force.  so what?  so fucking what?  a million and a half people have said the same damn thing throughout the course of history and they happen to tie this particular instance to Star Wars and the movie hasn’t even been out but a couple hours officially?  Give it a rest and let the crippled franchise die in peace.  then I can come and pick up the pieces to make my TV series based on the last 3 "movies" that I’m not even going to let Lucas touch, because I know he’ll fuck them up and put more Jar-Jars in there.  I’ve seriously started planning this out, but I need to read ALL of the books to become more familiar with the whole story.  I plan to hire on Cam Kennedy as my visual design director, because of the incredible work he does on the Star Wars graphic novels for Dark Horse comics.  Seriously guys, the next time you’re passing by the comics section of a book store, see if you can find some of his stylized watercolor illustrations.  they’re absolutely amazing, and fittingly dark as well.  If I could get Timothy Zahn to co-write with me I’d just have a joygasm in my pants.  I want unknown actors to play the main roles, but when they audition thier manner has to SCREAM Han Solo.  Princess Leia.  Luke Skywalker.  this is going to be a strange transition for Luke.  He’s just dealt with the death of his father and the emperor, and he’s become the last remaining jedi, but he’s still so inexperienced and impulsive.  He has to physically and mentally restrain himself from getting so worked up because only through calm centeredness can he truly master the force.  He’s still the same Luke who was so impatient as to face Vader before he was ready and get his hand chopped off but he has to evolve into the most formidable Jedi the galaxy has ever known.  then there is Leia, Outwardly, even agressively denying the fact that Vader had been her father as well, even as she comes to terms with the realization that the force is extremely strong with her as well.  Her brother is becoming more removed even as she finally is getting to know him, and yet she has to ever be the diplomat in all things for both Luke AND Han, whom she loves.  Han… well aside from the whole general thing, he’s the same old Han, but damn Harrison Ford is going to be a hard act to follow.  He can’t be another Ford.  he HAS to become Han Solo and totally sell the new face to the old name.  that’s the main cast but there are also villains to be made.  Prince Xizor for one, but first and foremost would be Grand Admiral Thrawn.  A powerful and imposing figure, and a serious threat to the new republic.  I don’t care what Lucas did to the movies, but Coruscant was NOT celebrating the Emperor’s death.  that’s the Imperial capital and it’s rediculous.  the Empire still controlled it at the end of Return of the Jedi.  The rebels don’t capture it until later.  Also one thing I’d have to work in is bringing Boba Fett out of the sarlaac like he was in the books.  he was far too resourceful to be killed by accident.  besides, Jabba specificly said he’d be slowly digested over a thousand years.  he was wearing armor.  he had a grenade launcher.  and a jetpack.  You figure it out.  Anyway… I’m done with my rant for now.  People who try to link a movie to the current political scheme are fart knockers and deserve to be kicked in the testicles/ovaries so hard they come out thier ears.  ITS JUST A MOVIE.  good night.

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May 19, 2005

i’m guessing i shouldn’t bother spending money to go see it….lol

May 19, 2005

thanx for the *lick* LOL

May 19, 2005

um..hello.. the ENTIRE SCRIPT was retarded, not just the one line.

Lol it is just a movie meant to entertain. That’s what i’m going stupid line be damned. incubschic78