It’ll cure what ails ya!

First order of business: All 11 songs on our album have been mixed down properly.  we are in the process of listening to each song and examining the track order and listening for little things that we simply cannot live with and must change before we master and press our first run.  We are planning on making 100 CDs for this first pressing.  they will sell for $10 each.  we need to sell 30 to pay for the first printing, and 30 more to buy ourselves a second run.  We truly hope to sell all of them.  If you live out of state and you want a copy, we’ll gladly cover shipping costs out of pocket.  We just need your mailing adress.  We’d prefer cash, but if you do make a check, since we don’t have a bank account for the band yet, make it out to Sean Ellison.  Now then!

Secondly: work is fun.  I met Sandra Bullock and Spike Gillespie.  Very nice people.  Of course Sandy’s interior designer is a NIGHTMARE and we hate her.  Sandy is opening a bistro downtown at 6th and Nueces.  She says its underground in this old bank building.  Spike is putting together another one of her Naked musician calendars to benefit local musicians with not enough health insurance (which is all of us).  She’s awesome.  Yeah Spike Gillespie is a woman.  We’ve finally started making MONEY again so we might not have to close shop so soon so we’re still reviewing our options.

Third base!!!! My mom is getting very popular in the metaverse.  She’s a member of Second Life, the online virtual world that is so free and expansive it doesn’t even qualify as a game anymore.  She had made lots of connections back when she beta tested The Sims Online, and they had a mass exodus from that game to Second Life, which is based on the vision of the metaverse from the novel Snow Crash.  She’s a sky dancer, and there is a real world book being written about second life and the sky dancers, and they needed my mom to write up a bio for her avatar, which everyone loved.  Now… Snow Crash is probably one of my favorite books EVER.  When my mom told me about SL, I knew we had to read the book again, so now I am reading Snow Crash to my mom while we drive to and from work.  I recommend this book to ALL of you.

fourthly: This leads into the next one because it was my motivation to do this but…. I’m looking into alternative medicines.  On Friday I had accupuncture and got myself some Chinese herbal remedy.  Took 30 minutes.  I slept.  All this was to fix my allergies which have been causing massive amounts of snot to leak into my throat and make me clear my throat and cough a lot which in turn made my throat sore and made singing nigh impossible.  that among other symptoms.  I am, however, pleased to report that the magic medicine worked.  I am saved.  My doctor looked like this twenty-something chinese med student, but it turns out he graduated 20 years ago in China and he’s been practicing accupunture for 20 years.  his name is Dr. Dongxao Ma.  He’s amazing.  The herbal remedy tastes pretty awful… kinda like yerba maté if you’ve ever had that, but I’m sure it’s got some sort of dried lizard in it.  Which I find very amusing.  What the hell were they thinking when they thought that up?  "Oh I’m DYING so I’ll eat this dessicated lizard carcass I found here on the ground and cross my fingers!"  1 day later: "Holy shit!  it worked!"  *clubs numerous lizards and hangs them up to dry*  The Cinese are AWESOME.

Fif: Saturday I went to a birthday party for one of my SG member friends BlueValentine.  I gifted her one of those pamphlets I told you about in a previous entry, and a gimpy demo CD of mine.  it was awesome.  Since the place we went to actually closed at 3 for some unexplainable reason we all had to move out to a new place called Doc’s on South Congress where I scaref down a burger to leave quickly becaaaaaauseee……. I had to make a gig at the Hutto Olde Tyme Days Festival!  weeeeeeee!  We had crackers and cheese (remember that Chapelle show skit with Arsenio Hall ranting abotu how no one told him how fucking good the cheese was?  Cheese like that.) and I had a cup of wine.  And punch.  I was desperate for a way to clear up my allergies before the gig and my magic medicine worked!  We did an awesome set with Bear opening for us, and there was a raffle but I didn’t win anything.  Bear raved about how talented we were but scolded us for not practicing enough because if we don’t practice more we’ll lose how tight we were.  But everything was in a very complimentary tone.  After that we hit up Carmine’s pizzaria.  Carmine is so cool that even though he was closed he let us in and fed us calzones and stromboli (all hand made from sctratch) by him, and he also gave me a cup of hot water for my chinese herbs!  You have not TASTED superior italian cooking until you try Carmine’s.  It’s funny, he has his whole family working there.  He’s got like 6 kids (even the little ones do stuff) and they all help out.  Then as a treat he passed out cannolis for free!!!!!  Then after that we all went to Joey’s house and played FIFA soccer because Justice League Heroes isn’t actually being STOCKED yet even though it is officially released or some shit… but Soccer is awesome enough to keep us happy.  4 player league tournament with each of us picking 1 small team and one killer team.  I chose Lyon for my big team and Falkirk for my small team.  I’m getting good at that game.  anyway!


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October 23, 2006

It seems that many congratulations are in order . . . your upcoming CD, your mom (how cool is that!), your Chinese remedies (boo allergies! hoorah medicine!), and your fun band stuff. =) Glad to hear that things seem to be going well! Thanks so much for your encouraging notes. /Hug.

October 24, 2006

Sehr gut! I will have to try Tullamore Dew sometime & see how I like it. =) 6 years? ja, u had best get over there sometime & enjoy Germany! As for the acupuncture and herbal remedies: I do love herbs as they are a great alternative to the regular pills-we-should-pop every day. I learned a bit bout them in med massage & think i’ll do a bit more learing on the subject. Great to hear about ur cd!