I’m famous. I’m hot. I’m Mr. Potato Head

Ok so apparently I look like lots of famous people.  The most recent of which has been revealed to me as Tom Welling, who stars as Clark Kent in Smallville.  Here is a list I’ve compiled of all the people I’ve been told I resemble.  bear in mind that I’ve gotten ALL of these from multiple people:

Orlando Bloom – Lord of the Rings

Elijah Wood – Free Willie

Viggo Mortensen – 28 Days

David Byrne – The Talking Heads

Gavin Rossdale – Gwen Stephanie’s bedroom

Johnny Depp – Benny and Joon

Tom Welling – Smallville

So you see… these people hardly look like eachother but they DO, in fact, look like ME.  that means that either I’m incredibly famous… incredibly handsome… or I have an incredibly large number of noses lips eyes and ears that I can pop on and off like Mr. Potato Head.  Anyway I’ve been having a crappy week.  Last week my dad had surgery on his foot to remove somethign from a nerve in his foot.  I think it was called a Neuroma or something.  anyway it was gross and he had this 4 inch long drainage tube in his foot up until monday.  Anyway.  That meant he couldn’t go to work last week or this week.  He’s fine.  He was worried because his foot *wasn’t* hurting anymore.  He’s a dork and I love him to death.

Last week was long too but it wasnt’ so hard as this week has been.  Monday, it was just me Karen, and Rick at work.  usually it’s best if there are 4 people there so one can answer the phones and place orders, one can help customers, one can deal with the metal chops and fit and finishes and the other can do wood frames.  Anyway that sucked because I had to work through lunch pretty much.  Morons kept sneaking in orders for Friday when I was already full up for the week, and I was pooped by the end of the day.

Tuesday SUCKED because darth volvo broke down on the way in in the middle of rush hour and so Rick had to come pick me up and bring me to work while my mom dropped off the volvo and went home and got the truck, because Tuesday and Friday are delivery days.  Rick’s car smells like a urinal cake.  He’s a snotty pretentious old fart of a muckey muck.  and for those not savvy as to what a muckey muck is, it’s a pompous person of quasi-important status with a big ego.  He smokes too.  I heard him try to hack up a lung in the trash can the other day.  ick.  So I’m an hour late and I have 16 frames to build before Wednesday and meanwhile my dad has driven off to Home Depot to find a new pair of pliers with which to crack acorns, and he doesn’t have his phone, so my mom gets to the auto place and she has to walk a mile and a half back to the house to get the truck only to find that Hank has run off with itand so she showed up after lunch.  Of course the egg mcmuffin I had that morning had made me sick at my stomache, and I was in a bad mood the rest of the day.  We had to stay late for Jane to finish her accounting that she normally would have done during the day but the car broke so we we late.

Wednesday was retarded because 90% of the day I thought it was Thursday, even though it felt like Friday, because I was so tired.  I cranked out my 16 frames for Calfee, and I started on the other MTOs for everyone else and I kept panicing because I thought all the frames that were due Friday were due "tomorrow" until Jane and Karen looked at me funny and said "no… these are due Friday… in two days.  Today is Wednesday."  That made me feel relieved and pissed off all at the same time.  so basicly it was like peeing.  I got sick AGAIN from another egg mcmuffin and then I snuck off and purposely took a nap on the lou.  Then at like 3:50 (we close at 4) this dude comes in while I’m trying to lock up the back and wants 17 mats and 80 feet of picture frame moulding and I was incredibly put off by that but at least he knew what he wanted unlike most morons who come in.  We ended up closing at 4:45.  At least band practice rocked.  we practiced Invisibo today.  That song is getting better and better.  Joey came up with the idea of adding random quotes between jams at the end of the song like "Can I be an Adrian Barbeau-bot with hard nipples?" and Joe suggests using cheesy pick-up lines and we spent the next hour fucking around with that and laughing.  Some of the more colorful ones included "Nice shoes!  Wanna fuck?"  "If I followed you home, would you keep me?"  "If you were my homework, I’d do you every night!"  "If you and I were squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole?"  Pick-up lines are funny.  Anyway, it’s a keeper.  night.

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November 16, 2005

Those people are all pretty goodlooking, you must be pretty hot.

November 16, 2005

Mmmmm you ARE hot. You need to post more pictures of yourself….NAKED pictures. Hehee. Smooch.

November 17, 2005

i haven’t even read the rest of this entry yet, but i just need to say this before i go any further: johnny depp?!? marry me!!

November 17, 2005

someone used the “nice shoes? wanna fuck?” pick up line on me once. no, i am not kidding.

November 17, 2005

Or “you’re hot; wanna get drunk?” I’ve heard that one recently.