if i wuz 4 pr0nst4r…

nah not really.  I really dunno what to write.  but I need to because I don’t post often enough.  So um… I like fish and chips.  America needs more food with funny names.  like bangers.  those are sausages in england.  But I guess we have the Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity.  that’s funny.  but it’s also at IHOP which is international.  which means everyone in the world gets to know what goobers we are.  speaking of IHOP there is an IHOP near my house that I go to sometimes and a Scottish girl works there.  she’s cute and her name is Cheryl, but her work schedule is like the exact opposite of mine.  I’ve gone back a few times to talk to her and I gave her a CD of the band.  I like her accent.  I could tell exactly what it was right when I heard it.  That’s somethign I enjoy is listening to accents and guessing where people are from.  Even people who say they don’t have an accent have an accent.  THEY LIE.  I’m so close to being able to fix my blasted computer.  that’s going to solve a lot of my problems right away.  see every time I open up more than one program the computer crashes or slows down too much to do anything.  so once I can zip all my stuff over to another computer, I can completely wipe my hard drive and reinstall everything!  tabula rasa, bitch.  also I might finally be getting ROADRUNNER soon which will solve all my other problems.  the first thing I’m going to do with high speed internet is download some porn at high speed.  or maybe not.  that’s probably what screwed my computer up in the first place.  it’s gonna be so nice to have a broadband connection… then again I have no idea when this will happen.  Stupid phone companies.  I’ll show them!  ::devours a goat head first::

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