HUUUUGE gig on march 17 -plz read-

Friday.  March 17.  Saint Patrick’s Day.  5PM in the afternoon.  At Fuel nightclub 607 Trinity, Austin, TX 78701.  Phoenix Saga will descend from the heavens and rock the world like it has never been rocked before.  We are playing this gig as a part of the Heart of Texas Quadruple Bypass Rock Festival right here in Austin, Texas.  (that link is for those of you for whom the link didn’t work)  It’s a long name, I know, but it’s important none-the-less.  Whereas South By Southwest (which runs during the same week) has grown and grown, becoming more difficult to get into every year, and thus has begun focusing on the "next big thing," the HoT rock fest was started about 7 years ago to support those AWESOME indie local acts that don’t have enough clout or press to make it into SXSW, with the primary function of displaying them to record labels to get them signed.  Smaller, more flexible, and infinitely cheaper to attend, the HoT Rock Fest has been serving (mostly) local bands well where SXSW has begun to overlook them.

Still, the Texas Rock Fest has yet another worthy cause this year, borne of tragic circumstances. Part of the proceeds from this year’s festival will go directly to the Go LuLu fund for 25-year old Austin musician Luann "Lulu" Williams, drummer for local band Junkyard Mary. Daughter of famed Lubbock guitarist Steve Williams (Marcia Ball, Joe Ely). They were a damn good band and Phoenix Saga even played a show with them at Redrum club’s first location.  LuLu’s problem began with a rare genetic heart disease.  She had open-heart surgery late last year due to a burst aorta, and this particular kind of surgery has a 99% mortality rate.  LuLu survived the surgery and is on her way to a quite miraculous recovery, however, like most musicians, she doesn’t have any insurance.  This is WAY too common.  I won’t have any insurance by the time I’m 25 either unless I feel like literally paying an arm and a leg.  Or perhaps my firstborn.  So our hope is that we can draw enough people in to our show to put LuLu well on the road to recovery so she never becomes another statistic.  I really don’t even care about the whole getting signed part as long as I know LuLu will make a full recovery.  She obviously won’t be playing drums for a long long time if at all, but maybe we can rock her world.

You can still catch Junkyard Mary at the festival.  I think they’re currently unscheduled but keep an eye on them.  Phoenix Saga is also listed in that list.  It’s obviously in alphabetical order.  And did I mention how much cheaper it was than SXSW?  Ok an all-access badge for SXSW costs $525.  ouch.  To see any of the bands on any day of the fest.  HoT all-access wristbands are a grand total of $39 bucks.  Yeah.  Go buy one.  About 200 bands over 4 days for a FRACTION of the price.  PLUS you get to see Phoenix Saga make the ladies creme their undergarments.  or if you are a lady you get to enjoy that.  So here is a link to our Home Page and here is a link to our Myspace Page for you to sample our music and enjoy our humor.  Also we’ve finished recording our first album, but we are awaiting cover art and the mixing/mastering process.  Bear in mind that if the CD is not released ON our gig date we will probably have a pre-order sheet at the show so you can buy a copy and have it mailed direct to you hot off the press on our official release date.  Pre-ordered CDs will be cheaper than buying them either online or at local record stores.  Any time you buy a CD at a gig it is $10 even steven and all the money goes directly to the band.  That’s the beauty of being indie and unsigned.  Until we get the funds to open a bank account for the band, we’ll only accept cash, or checks if they’re made out to one of the band members so we can cash it.  We do have T-shirts which you can also buy at the gig.  These are $10 (XXL and XXXL cost $12) and come in black standard or white inverted.  We are running very low on black and we only have M, XL, and XXL left.  I think.  Umm… that’s all I can think of for now.  Come and see us, vill you!  Oh and by the way… anyone who says the secret password "Bob Hoskins" will get a free beer courtesy of ME.  The password proves that you’re a part of my inner circle of friends and you love me enough to come to the biggest show in my career.  LOVE

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March 7, 2006

So yer gonna get me a planeticket yeah? o:

March 8, 2006

If I was close to texas I would totes be there. Good intentions?

March 8, 2006

Now I’m confused. Cause my brother-in-law’s big thing for the March festival was to follow all the Austin area bands he liked. Key words: Austin area bands. Not UK bands, not Connecticut bands, etc. So maybe its been the smaller, more accessible fest all along. I don’t know. I just know Invisibo better be on your CD I’m buying next weekend. XD

March 8, 2006

i doubt i will be attending this since i have very little time and/or money at this point in time. poo. but i will be there in SPIRIT. does that count for something?