HAHAHAHAH!  *wipes away tears*  god that’s funny!  ok before I tell this story I’ll just say this: I haven’t been posting because I really haven’t had time.  sometimes I do half an entry and then I never post it because I have to go do something else, so a while back I posted a conversation I had saved in hopes that it would put some fun stories in here.  anyway a few updates: No Snakes on a Plane for us.  due to technical difficulties, Snakes on A Plane never entered us in the contest and rather than argue we let it slide.  as far as our album coming out any time soon, I won’t give a date because every time I do, it just takes longer.  We’ve got 5 of 11 songs mixed.  my mom is awesome.  I’ll tell these stories later.  but for now… the one that got me laughing so hard in the title.
Yesterday before band practice I get a call on my phone.  It goes something like this:
Me: Hello?
girl: May I speak to the account holder for this phone?
me: …..umm… well that’s me…
girl: Oh!  Well would you be interested in a free phone for $29.99 a month?
me: ….free for $29.99? heh… hahahaha
girl: yes.  free.
me: HAHA wait how is it free if I have to pay $29.99? HAHAHA  ~(Joey also cracks up at this)
girl: well… I get that a lot.  The phone is free.  you just pay for shipping.  and tax.
me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  but… that’s not free! (joey keeps me laughing) HAHAHAHA
girl: It’s not much.
me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I’m sorry hehehehe my phone is running out of batteries. hehe
girl: you need a new battery?  your new phone comes with one.
me: HAHAHAHAHAHA no I mean my battery hasn’t been charged all day and it’s low and I don’t have my cord. hehehehe (Joey makes me laugh again)  HAHAAHHAHA
girl: you get a free cord too!  and a free phone!
girl: So you want 2 phones?
girl: So you want… 3 phones?
me: HAHAHAHAHAHA I’ll tell you what… I’ll buy your 3 free phones… IF you promise to come to every single one of our gigs. (Joey keeps me laughing) HAHAHAHAHAHA
girl: gigs?
me: Yeah I’m in a band.
girl: That’s great!  you can use 3 phones!
me: yeah I’ll buy your 3 phones if you come to all our shows.
girl: I’m sorry I can’t… I’m in Canada.
me: You’ll just have to fly then.  Hahaha HAHAHAHAHA
girl: but that… would be expensive and wouldn’t really…
me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA w-haha why are you stil on the phone with me?
girl: because you haven’t hung up yet.
me: HAHAHAHAHA wait I’m supposed to just hang up on you?  that’s rude!
girl: it’s company policy that I have to keep tryign as long as you’re on the phone
me: HAHAHAHAAHHAHA well ok then hehehehehe I really have to go
girl: You sure you don’t want 3 phones?
me: HAHAHA nooonono I’m hangin up now.

and click.  plus lots more laughing that I just didn’t have the heart to write out.  God that was a a funny phone call… selling me phones over the phone.  I love Canadians.  I kinda hope she calls me back.  I’ll ask her out next time.  Then we can start our long distance relationship based solely on my ability to buy phones from this girl.  I better post this before somethign happens and I can’t write more…. well I’ll just say also that I’m listening to Metric.  I want to see them live but I’m afraid I’d have to stuff my crotch full of tissue because I might cum in my pants.  It’s possible… now then.  postage.

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June 15, 2006

just so you know, my local paper gave nacho libre 4 stars. i thought of you right away.

June 15, 2006

three things: 1. that phone conversation will go down in history!! i was laughing my ass off just READING about it. 2. iÂ’m glad you love canadians. we are, indeed, a hilarious bunch. 3. i saw metric back in april and they were totally orgasm-inducing. emily haines is such a mega babe.

June 16, 2006

hey, isn’t tonight the cool nacho libre night at the alamo place? It’s opening night for the movie anyway. don’t forget to take pics! and post them here! I wanna see!

June 20, 2006

dayum….that is some funny sh*t…..

June 22, 2006

ryn: you know, tomorrow’s payday and that dorm suite is getting small . . . I think I hear the call of the open road. I won’t say I’ll be there though cause that’ll jinx me and something will come up. Hopefully I’ll just walk through the door.