Go West, Young N00B!

Ok so this was written by Joey but I’m going to copy paste it because I don’t feel like writing it all down fresh.

So my original gameplan was to do sort of a daily update complete with pictures, links and points of interest throughout what I call our “Go west, Young Noob” tour, but a few mitigating factors set in. First off, I’m on an I-Mac and only have a passing knowedge of HTML code or Safari for that matter. Maybe I should e-mail Midgley about that stuff, but I’d have to hang my head in shame first. B. is the fact that Wifi isn’t nearly as accessible as I thought it would be. Or at least it isn’t combined with my weak mac skills. I didn’t even realize our couch surfing host had a network in her house (btw if you’re looking to travel on a budget, go to couchsurfing.com for a really cool idea) until our last day in Colorado Springs, and our hotel’s network was down till about 1 am this morning here in Denver. Finally, even if these crutches weren’t factors into posting some kickass blog, I’m lazy and not even sure who reads these things, so I woulda prolly done it like this anyhow. When Sean remembers to, he always writes some really cool stuff on his Open Diary, but until he does I’ll leave a brief checklist of what’s happened in our first 3 days (5 more to go!)

stole a portable dvd player for our trip
attacked by crazy mad cats we let inside seans house
enjoyed wicked good turkey and ham sammiches on kaiser rolls during our 16 hour drive to Colorado Springs
It was 16 hours cuz I was pulled over for speeding during the 25 minutes I was in the state of Oklahoma and they decided to do construction on the little highway we decided to take
We stopped for a Dino Crossing sign too.
I25 rocks (75 mile an hour speed limit!!)
Colorado Springs rocks
so do the people
and Garden of the Gods
tourist watching and shaking our asses at dive bars in manitou springs rocks too
swimming is the band’s favorite past time
playing video games would be the other.
craigslist got us great tickets to the Police
but only in pairs: 3 is not the magic numbers for rock shows.
I was gonna pass and stay to usando el interneto, but Joe fell ill due to some bad salsa at an Irish pub in the CSC
he’s better now.
We agreed Sean will take Joe either to their show in Dallas or Houston, possibly Nawlins if we have to.
They were the best band I’ve seen perform since my very first show (Metallica for 3 and a half hours only playing 3 songs from load and Fuel from reload….everything else was from black album, and justice, master and ride the lightning.)
We’re gonna try to find an open mic here in denver and watch Knocked up this afternoon.
We can’t wait to play Solid Ground Cafe in Utah and Atomic Cantina in New Mexico this week.

that’s all I can think of for now.

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June 13, 2007

Good luck 😉

June 21, 2007

THE POLICE!!! Only 6 more days to go!!! (for me)