
Once again I don’t actually have anything to say.  Which the moment I say that I come up with somethign to say.  We don’t have Orion anymore.  We took him back a few days ago because Chui was gonna kill him.  Or something.  Chui is like one long solid muscle with claws and huge fangs.  Fangs so big they poke about an eighth of an inch out of his mouth.  He totally looks like a vampire.  I’ll have to scan some pics of him and post them.  oh and I hooked up my scanner again if anyone cares.  and now for a little something different:  

The Zopalote [11:44 PM]:  bad news…
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  whereas before I configured it…
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  it was 289MB
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  bad news? why?
The Zopalote [11:44 PM]:  we lost 2 cats…
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  eh?!
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  poor kittens
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  🙁
The Zopalote [11:44 PM]:  but the good news is I saved a ton on my car insurance by switching to Geiko.
Smartdude0 [11:44 PM]:  hahahahaha!
Smartdude0 [11:45 PM]:  you did, eh?
The Zopalote [11:45 PM]:  heh… no but the cat thing is true

 heh… I’m mean sometimes.  But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a good joke.  At least it made me laugh.  That reminds me, I have these tiny little geckos living in my room.  I’ve seen them all over the place and I even saw one at work.  one day I found one in my shoe.  well… not exactly in my shoe.  he WAS in my shoe all day until I took my foot out and the poor little guy was crushed on my sock!  poor little fella!  CURSE MY GIANT AMERICAN FEET!  They’re so fragile… I’ve been hanging out with Joey an Jake a lot recently.  Jake lives in way south Austin though.  and I feel kinda bad because I didn’t go see Robin today but I was way too worn out after having to suddenly be woken up way too early on a Sunday to drag my ass into work.  yeah I had work today.  Stupid thing about living with your boss is you can’t fake being sick.  and the AC is broke.  went out on Friday.  I forgot it had gone out until I just bust out sweating yesterday when I tried to play guitar.  It surprised me, but I can’t complain.  The Texas heat is the sacrifice I make for not being cold as a cold bacterium.  As much sense as that makes.  I guess I’ll just mention the Gig we have on Wednesday.  I doubt anyone from Austin reads this besides Joey but I’m gonna try anyway.  The show is at Redrum on Wednesday night at 7PM.  We’ll be the second back to go on so stay tuned.  Cover is $7 for under 21 and $4 for 21 and up.  All ages show so you can bring the kids I guess.  Come and see us vill you?!  umm… Canadians are hot, I’m gonna have to schedule a wedding with my new bride from OD,

and I had a weird dream about being the coach of a high school cheerleading squad.  no clue what that was about.  I wish I could remember more.  I know I made out with one.  and there was a lot of fire and running.  anyway… bye now.

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October 2, 2005

canadians are sexxxxy. fo sho. also, i think i would really like to see some pictures of this vampire kitty of yours.

October 3, 2005

Hehee. I love reading your diary. So I care that you got your scaner going…we want pictures! Thats too bad about your cats. My best friend was staying at my house for awhile and she had her cat w/ her,I have a cat too, and I thought they were going to kill each other. She was there a month and they never came close to getting a long.

October 3, 2005

so while your planning our wedding…think about the fact that I like boats. ;)And handcuffs…….

Cheerleading Coach? Maybe you wanna secretly be a part of The Go! Team? (if you havent’ heard them, do a search engine. It sounds like as if the themesong writer of CHIPS decided to get together with a pep squad) Joey