fundraiser concert for tsunami victims (and more)

Well I haven’t written a real entry in a while… what’s up buddies?  christmas passed about how it usually does, and I got a few neat gifts but not anything I actually asked for.  the best thing was Pirates.  that game rocks.  well.. and the Blur CD.  and Roy Orbison is pretty cool.  New years was exciting.  I had a little party at my house with Joe and Kat and Robin and Satomi… I guess I haven’t mentioned Satomi before!  Well Satomi is a Japanese girl goign to college at Southwest Texas University… or is it Texas State now?  crap if I know.  she’s human touch.  We met a few months ago and since became fast friends.  also with Kat and Robin’s turbulent relationship and high stress level I have had to intervene on behalf of Satomi to keep her from freaking out.  it’s several long stories so I won’t go into details, but I’ll sum up.  Robin and Kat tend to fight and/or yell at eachother a lot.  Satomi is totally freaked out by this and was on the verge of breaking down because she tends to pick up her mood from the people around her and with all that negativity she was getting depressed.  needless to say I came to her rescue more than once and she ended up clinging to me for her very sanity.  seriously.  She’d say “Sean!  Are you going to leave me?!”  I was tough leaving her there like that but at least I know I helped her out a great deal.  funny girl.  you feed her sweets and chocolate she’ll close her eyes and savor it until it dissolves in her mouth. but anyway.  japanese.  likes my funny japanese shirts and my domokun hoodie.  and we were playign DDR for new years.  I made this awesome black-eyed pea queso and we were having a blast until we accidently broke Kat’s brand new DDR pad and she let out a banshee shriek.  at least it was still under warranty.  it was a total accident.  we went out and shot off tank fireworks.  and we had poppers too.  those little ones you throw at the ground and they pop.  apparently Japanese fireworks are not noisy like ours.  I always thought that was part of the fun.   anyway we made everything better by hanging out at Kerby Lane Cafe until 4AM.  new years day my family and I had a sweat ceremony in our sweat lodge.  I think I mentioned that a long long time ago… but if yall want to know more about it I’ll type it up later.  ALSO  the band wants to try to raise some money for the people in Asia hit by that killer tsunami.  we need bands to play and a place to play at.  hopefully the idea spreads around and peopel won’t feel like they’re supporting the Bush administration by donating money.  they can donate it through bands and good live music.  THAT’s the Austin way.

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