Forever young…

you know what? recently I’ve really been starting to feel a generational divide between myself and older people. not necessarily a bad thing, but I really notice the way I think of things is different than the way people over 40 view things. things that seem completely ubiquitous to me like… myspace for example, old people on the news have to go into great detail explaining what it is and how it works and why anyone would use it, when people of my generation and younger would think "Gee… what a waste of time! Who WOULDN’T use this? Everyone I know alreayd has at least one page." and a friend of mine Doug recently asked me about Barack Obama. He said "What the heck is up with the democrats these days when some random guy from like Illinois or Ohio or where ever can run for president? What’s his name?" "Barack Obama?" "Yeah that guy. What’s the big deal? He’s served in the Senate for like 2 years and people think he can be president?" I shrugged it off at the time saying he was a novelty because he was black, but after thinking about it, I think he could probably do a great job as president. Older people see his lack of experience and discount him almost immediately, and younger people see him as a viable contender. And on the issue of racism and gays in the military and all that sort of thing… sure there’s a religious divide but more and more it’s becoming a difference of opinion between age groups. younger people are more open minded and ready for change. dude I hear on the radio all the time how we have to review our options with Iran and how everything is still on the table, when I feel like I could sit down with their leader for like 15 minutes and defuse the whole situation. I was all starting to feel old for the past couple months since I’ve been 25 but suddenly I’m seeing just how young I am. I really hope that I’m right and we have a whole generation of people like me, and once the stubborn motherfuckers with all the corruption and money die off and leave everything to us, we might actually have a decent world on our hands… 

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March 7, 2007

Close minded and unable to handle change. Gee thanks. 😛 Do you think you’d have the internet and Playstation 2,3 if not for my generation? Not to mention all the cartoons and kick-ass movies. You’re lumping all of us into a category you created based on your perception of politians.

March 8, 2007

whew! I’m free from scorn for another 11 months. But in the meantime I must hear these words from you (repeat after me): “Cheryl the Magnificent, yours is the most creative and innovative generation ever to walk the face of this Earth. I humbly submit to your powers and deep thinky stuff.” A little louder please, I didn’t quite hear you.

March 8, 2007

hmm. i disagree with you. i’m sure there are a lot of older people out there like you described, but i also know a lot (my parents, for example) who are just as forward thinking as the younger generation. in fact, it was mostly them that influenced my way of thinking. not saying you’re wrong, but generalizations are never a good thing. oh, and where’s my package, dammit! :p

Well, it’s expected not to think like 40 year olds, you’re not 40, silly pants. XD and I’m sure you looove hoes

March 10, 2007

I dare you to print this out. stash it away somewhere and read it when YOUR the one who is 40+ years old. and if you do I hope you can still share with us how much you laughed at yourself and you realize now you now think just like those OLD people 😛 For the record– I do think Myspace is a incredible waste of time 🙂 but I bet I know more about what it is, how to use it, and what itsfor then you do! 😛 Not all us old farts are scared of technology you know.