finally I remember a dream/nightmare

I had a dream last night I can remember pretty vividly.  It was about a half-japanese girl who causes bad luck wherever she goes.  I mean like.. catastrophic bad luck.  First of all her parents never seem to notice that she has never been to school a day in her life.  She ends up sitting alone playing with her handkerchief outside, and then she shows up back home when school should be over.  One day she decides she is going to find a teacher and learn some new things.  She wanders around a neighborhood for a while until she finds a man in his garage who happens to be a teacher and she approaches him.  He’s intrigued by her, and she teaches him a little Japanese, because that’s 90% of what she knows how to speak.  After about an hour, he thinks he’s really startign to get the hang of this when his wife comes out back to tell him that someone is on the phone from the school, and that he’s been fired.  Sometime during all of this her handkerchief blows out the garage door and flutters down the street.  I can’t really recall the street names anymore but I don’t suppose they were important.  Well the teacher comes back and he doesn’t know what to do since he no longer has a job so they both decide to go find her handkerchief and give it back to her.  So they leave the garage and keep the wind to thier backs.  The handkerchief manages to get blown over a train and gets hit with a hot spark flying out of the smokestack, lands in the coal trailer behind the engine and slowly starts a fire.  By the time the wind leads them to the railroad track, the train is a giant fireball as it’s going up a slight hill near part of the neighborhood it cuts through.  They watch dumbstruck as the train roars up past them, the people on it long since completely roasted, and just as it gets to a cut away part of the hill, the engine explodes violently causing a huge landslide and the top of the hill caves in.  Hmmm… I think the school closed or something because then a group of kids of several different ages come up and talk to the girl and they all end up going to the pile of rubble that used to be the train track.  The former teacher gets a call or something and has to leave, figuring they’ll all be ok since there is a girl of about highschool age with them.  They all sit in the edge of a boulder talking and one of the boys, about 8th grade age gets up and finds a pickaxe and starts whacking away at some rocks to bust them up.  As the other kids are talking they can hear the rhythmic click of the pickaxe behind them, but the suddenly notice it’s stopped and been replaced with a sound like someone sloshing water on the ground and the turn around to find that the kid has somehow hacked his head partway off with the flat end of the pickaxe and its the blood spurting out of his arteries that’s making that sound.  Then he starts moving again and hacking off more parts of his body while they all watch screaming and he starts to come towards them but that’s when I woke up.  weeee. 

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December 31, 2005


Ah it’s always great to remember dreams. I usually don’t remember mine unless they’re extra freaky. A couple of nights ago I dreamt that I was seeing the Decemberists in concert again but Colin was like twice as fat with dreadlocks. It was really freaky. Dunno if you know the Decemberists… won’t mean much if you don’t but ah well. Glad to hear I make you laugh. My parents have patched things up

December 31, 2005

for now, so I’m thankful for the moment anyway. I live just south of London actually, in a town called Sutton (aka Slutton). But I’m going into the city tonight for the fireworks, so that should be pretty cool. Have a good new year’s eve!

December 31, 2005

Geez, that last part reminds me of the worst nightmare I’ve ever had only it was an ice pick in the hand of a demented kid. He was sitting on a pile of dead kids and he had one’s head locked under his arm just repeatedly stabbing the skull and staring at me. I woke up and the chain on the ceiling fan was clicking against the light making the ice pick sound.

December 31, 2005

(now you’re gonna have everybody leaving our gruesome remembered nightmares in your notes)