Feliz Ano Nuevo!

Happy New Year everyone.  So much has been happening I can’t even begin to recap all of it.  Not even with one of those handy lists.  So I’ll just start with what’s going on recently, and what the near future holds.  We’re remodeling the office.  Today I moved the metal saw which takes about 5 hours of work.  You have to completely disassemble this massive steel thing and then reassemble and calibrate it precisely, and a whole bunch of other boring grunt work, and you get smeared with grease and aluminum shavings and you look vaguely like an exotic dancer in an auto repair shop.

Cait and I are getting along fine.  We have minor arguments about things, like her cat being a pain in the ass, or me being too lazy, or people getting drunk, or that she doesn’t like the way I cook, but all in all we’re awesome.  I’ve started having my buddy Leslie over more often.  I met him back in high school, and we lost touch for a while, but he’s a good guy to be around.  We’ve decided that we should get together every other week or so to have a cookout and make lots of food and generally have a good time.  Cait was apologizing for the way she makes streetlights go out and electronic devices bug out, but Leslie was like "That’s ok!  You just need to learn to harness your power.  You’ll become a human clapper.  You’re a unique snowflake… just one that happens to electrocute all the other snowflakes."  Good times.

New Years eve was fun.  Well… once we got there it was fun.  Cait was freaking out because she didn’t want me to drink, because several men in her life that have gotten drunk have hurt her (both physically and mentally) including her asshole father.  It’s a rational fear, but certainly unfounded among me and my friends.  I’m one of those cuddly drunks that just wants to love and be loved.  See my friends and I are fundamentally happy people.  We come from good stock and decent backgrounds.  Anyway I talked her over it and we ended up going to Joey’s house and getting snookered.  We played FIFA Soccer, watched Coming to America, and had fettuccine alfredo, hot wings, chips and queso, and WAFFLES.  yum.  I want to be the guy who brings the waffle iron to every party and makes fresh hot waffles for everyone.  I would be loved.

We’re sort of moved in.  I’m completely moved out and about 80% moved in.  Between the two of us I think we might have about 230,985 hats.  We need a special place just to put them.  I’m gonna build her a fancy computer out of the best of the spare parts of the 3 others I have, and then we’ll be able to game together.  😀  We’re nerdy to the max.  I love it.  Once we’re done unpacking and settling in,  I’m gonna have a housewarming/birthday party since my birthday is coming up on the 12th.  The party will be on Friday the 11th so everyone can come.  We were supposed to have a gig booked on my birthday but nothing has come through for us, so it looks like we may just have a slow day that day.  It’s only 11 days away.  Maybe I can just have a day to relax and not do anything.  It sure it a lot of work having a girlfriend.  I have to spend ALL of my free time with her.  It’s weird for me because I went from damn near 25 years of being alone all the time except when I chose not to be, to not having a single moment to myself.  I eat with her, I I take showers with her, I watch TV with her, there’s a million people at work, I go on tour with 2 dudes in a car and play for rooms full of strangers… I don’t even SLEEP alone anymore.  It’s weird.  I don’t miss the loneliness, but sometimes I’d just like to be alone a while.  And she’s one of those people… like just today she called me up at 2:30 asking me where I was because she was getting tired of being alone.  She gets to be alone but doesn’t want to be alone.  I don’t get to but I’d like to at least sometimes… That was my worst fear before I started dating her, that I wouldn’t have the energy to put up with a girlfriend.  I suppose I don’t have much to complain about.  The sex is great, the company is comforting… am I not allowed to have time to myself anymore?

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alone time is pretty important to a person’s mental health, i think. do you think cait would really be offended if you said you need a little time for youself once in a while? because i think you should bring that up if you don’t think it’ll hurt her feelings. actually, scratch that. you should bring it up anyway.

January 1, 2008

just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you need to spend every waking minute with that person. it’s probably better that you don’t, actually. that could lead to problems. you need to find a nice middleground. plus, everyone deserves a little solitude.

January 12, 2008

Third voice of agreement here. “Alone time” is necessary to some of us to maintain equilibrium. (Been married 5 yrs and still not used to not sleeping with company.) Need to set down your ground-rule now with her, since you’re living together. If you discount your need to be alone, it can breed resentment that will bite you both later.