D: I’m boring! I suck

I’ve had so many opportunities to write in this thing, and it’s not that I haven’t been doign anything.  I have.  It’s just that when it comes time to write it I think…. god… that’s really boring.  I guess I ‘ll go over a few stories that I’ve been holding back on since I’ve already started writing.  FUN WILL ENSUE!

I went to Houston the other weekend to see my buddy Ryah.  She’s a suicide girl.  I remembered that she liked red wine, so I decided to bring the half bottle we had left over from my dad’s birthday.  It was Toad Hollow wine called Erik the Red.  good stuff.  you should try it.  So on the way there I passed 290 TWICE on 183 and I’m still not sure how that happened because I go that way all the time.  I was frustrated and I looped back around to I-35 (this all took like an hour and 30 minutes for those of you unfamiliar with Austin road/traffic) and just as I got onto 290 East….. I get pulled over.  FUCK!  The cop gives me one of those Chuck Norris points and flashes his lights at me.  I was going like 17 MPH over but he was a really nice cop and reduced it to 5.  That was the most exciting part of the trip over.

I got to Houston and met her at a Jamba Juice and we talked about what we should do, because we hadn’t made any concrete plans yet.  We decided that we’d get dinner and I’d get my hotel room.  This is, of course, that part where I find out that she’s fasting and she’s not actually going to eat anything, and therefore my wine plan was useless.  I found a room for $40.  Of course it was really smokey and crappy.  I’m glad I decided not to take a shower.  I probably would have gotten syphilis.  blargh.

In any case I got chinese food ( I saw her steal a carrot when I went to get my drink) and basicly we had a conversation for the next 6 hours or so.  During this conversation I finished my dinner, got my hotel room, noted the Karaoke bar and Ryah called up her 2 people in her phone to see what everyone was doing.  Her phone is weird.  I could hear the person on the other end quite clearly from across the room.  They were up at Lights in the Heights were all the muckymucks put up christmas lights and everyone comes and gawks at them.  We thought that was a pretty lame idea but decided to try Karaoke instead.

As we walked outside to go to Karaoke I noticed how much the hotel I was staying in looked like the one I lost my virginity at on that band trip a few years ago.  Try as we might to get up front to the karaoke bar, all the gates were closed and locked.  we were too lazy to keep trying so we went back to the room and I played my guitar instead.  Actually I played one of the best solo concerts EVER.  And only one person was there to hear it.  Every time there was a lull in the conversation I’d play a song.  Eventually I busted out the wine and Ryah had some anyway.  then we decided to get more and got some Cycles Gladiator.  Another good bottle.  So much for her fast.  hah.

I know some of you are probably wondering whether I scored or not, but that’s certainly not what happened.  Ryah and I are friends but she also has a boyfriend, plus I’m too nice to do shit like that.  I’ve pretty much stopped expecting anything from women.  They’re so fickle.  Still we had an awesome time even though we didn’t do anything.  I’m gonna have to hang out with her again some time. 😛  Also my mom who had gone to Houston that same weekend got a speeding ticket TOO!  DX  fuckin cops were out to get us.  That was pretty funny.  yay for defensive driving.  anyway.  one last thing.

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ok I’m done!  bye bye!

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December 17, 2006

that will haunt me forever.

December 18, 2006

Oh God I have to leave this entry ASAP! That pic!! Boys are so wierd. You lost your virginity on a band trip?… I just love band kids!!

January 14, 2007

I’m not fickle. D: