Birthday (two days ago but hell I was busy.)

I’ve had a pretty fun birthday weekend!  I went to rock concerts, a tattoo convention, hung out with my friends, and picked my mom up from the airport.  I also went shopping.  I shall wow you with my awesome underwear choices.  BEHOLD!
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I officially rock my own pants off.  I also got 2 pairs of new jeans which I desperately needed.  yaaaay!  Levi’s FTW!  All in all I’d say this was a good birthday, and yes I mentioned a tattoo convention and YES I got 2 tattoos.  Because I’m the most awesomest nerd you’ve ever met I got the insignias of the Rebel Republic and the Galactic Empire from Star Wars on my shoulderblades.
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Luvely innit?  Already made one nerd chic hawt in the pants for me.  Plus! I got this as a prize for getting a Star Wars tattoo.  This is soooo gonna be our next flyer.
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Yes.  It’s darth vader posing like the virgin Mary over a death star rose.  I hope I don’t bleed on any nice shirts… but that’s neither here nor there.  I also hung out and played soccer with they guys.  Joe wasn’t there unfortunately.  I think he’s still having trouble getting over the fact that Satomi is dating his brother when they both know he likes her.  fuuuck.  Girl troubles suck.  Poor guy wants a week off from everyone.  I think I’m gonna talk to him before the week is up.  The guy just doesn’t laugh like he used to.  I need to convince him that playing his instrument is the best way to relieve stress.  Hate your life?  Write a song.  That’s what we do as musicians.  And with drums hell he can poound the shit out of something and feel much better.  ooooh maybe I can get a little list of compliments from friends and fans and give it to him.  He needs a confidence boost.

The concert was pretty cool.  it was the first AIA event we’ve been to since being voted in to the Austin Indie Alliance.  We’ve already gotten several great gigs from that arrangement too.  It was cover band night.  We walked in during the middle of Eulogy by Tool, only it was a cover band.  good job on it too.  I don’t have any pictures of that myself but other people took some.  anyway, since it’s a birthday tradition for me I’ll post the lyrics to this song (I did listen to it on my birthday, so I’m safe.)

Birthday, by Blur

It’s my birthday
No one here day
Very strange day
I think of you day
Go outside day
Sit in park day
Watch the sky day
What a pathetic day
I don’t like this day
It makes me feel too small
I don’t like these days
They make me feel so small

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All I have to say is, woohoo! Tattoos! And sounds like a good birthday. -Blair

January 14, 2007

Had I not said happy birthday already? IfnotIsaysonow. x; Adorable, in a hawt way. xB And nerds are great. :3

January 15, 2007

none of those pictures work for me, probably because i’m at work, but happy birthday anyhow. late, of course. gosh.

January 15, 2007

1) hooboy, you need a warning in that title. i clicked and it was all like PACKAGE IN MY FACE. i am SO not complaining. 2) i tangentially know a girl who has the rebel insignia on one shoulder and the imperial on another, and i can never remember her name, so i just call her rebel-imperial. 3) HAPPY BIRTHDAY. wish you could hear the hil-aaaaaaaaaahhhhr-ious way i say that. and hugs!

January 15, 2007

whoa, kelly is right. i was so not prepared for the crotch shots. nice, though. as are the tattoos.

January 15, 2007


January 16, 2007

Yep, you’re the coolest nerd I know. HBD!

January 17, 2007

hello hidden penis. I did like the heart undies though. And the tats…neat looking, even with a nerdy story, lol. just kidding. It’s my bday soon too. Happy bday to US *Mel

January 18, 2007

jan 30th. woot woot *Mel