Bah! rubbish.

I heard this story on the radio about a bunch of illegal immigrants in the meat packing industry, many of whom have been stealing legitimate identities of American citizens to get jobs.  It’s really hard for me to have any sympathy for these people when they’re so obviously breaking the laws of our country.  I know I’ve laid out my view on the whole solution to the immigration debate, but I don’t know how much I’ve said about the immigrants themselves.  See… it’s a bit of a moral quandry at times, but generally I feel that these people ought to know better.  If you’re an illegal immigrant in the US working at a US company, would it not be because you’re looking for a better way of life?  You’re looking for a way to make money to support your family back home?  It seems rather irresponsible to become so content with your life here that you start having kids and increasing the burden that you have to bear.

One of the women who was arrested was the mother of a 3 month old child whom the grandmother had to take care of while the mother was in jail.  I’m not really moved by this.  If this woman stole someone else’s identity to get her job at this plant, and then started having a million babies without any thought or regard as to what might happen to THEM in the instance that someone found her out and got her arrested, as happened, then I feel like it’s a tough fucking break and CPS should be taking care of that child, teaching them English and putting them in a foster program until the mother serves her time for identity theft.  All assuming that this child is a natural born American citizen.  Then the mother can be deported and attempt to gain legal entry by waiting in line for 2 or 10 years.  People always complain about how families are ripped apart when one illegal member is sent back to Mexico or where ever, but honestly… whose fault is that?  They’re the illegals and they’re the ones starting families in the first place when they should be a little more pragmatic about the reality of their situation.

Some church official fromt he town went on to comment how the crackdown didn’t do anything to help the community.  How everyone who was working, everyone who wanted to make a difference, everyone who was trying to make a positive change in the community was arrested…. ummm hello?  I’d say it’s a big fucking deal to have someone you don’t know and have no connection to using your legitimate ID to live their own seperate life (and then getting arrested which would then go on YOUR record) above and beyond the fact that…. what the hell are all the white folks in this town doing?  Or rather I should say the non-undocumented immigrants.  They sound like a bunch of freeloading meatbag paperweights.  Are they running these meat packing plants that are exploiting these undocumented workers and making huge profits without lifting a finger, so they turn a blind eye to anything illicit that might be going on?  The whole ordeal really pisses me off.

Honestly, I’m not in favor of a wall, because I think its a stupid waste of money, but I’d really like the companies who hire illegal immigrants to be punished more harshly, regardless of whether or not they were aware of the immigration status of the people they hire.  That would certainly get their asses in gear to do more thorough background checks on people.  And what really bugs me is when people like Bush say that these illegal immigrants are doing the jobs Americans don’t want to do.  I think that’s fucking BULLSHIT.  I say we start a program to shuttle off unemployed American citizens to do these jobs that Mexicans are doing, entirely voluntarily of course, and see how many of these people don’t want to do these jobs.  I can agree that it’s not an enticing career choice, but as a short term job to help earn money and valuable skills and to give these people a chance to get back on their feet I think it’s highly desireable.  Also I don’t mind documented workers coming over, learning those skills, and taking them back to Mexico where they can employ them to improve the ecomony and what not.  That’s kind of a guest worker program idea, but that makes more sense than forcing families apart and stuff.  And it would likely encourage more immigrants to announce thier presence here.  Whatever.  I’m no policy maker, and I’m no politician.  I have no political clout and anyone in office likely wouldn’t listen to me anyway.  I only vent my frustration at the lack of forward thinking in America today.  This is a country of fucktards run by fucktards.  So much for actual human beings.  Present company excepted.

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December 19, 2006

(and just because I’m anal about terminology…) they’re either immigrants (here legally) or they’re illegal aliens. No illegal immigrants.

December 19, 2006

but, hey, it’s your diary.