Bad news first

I’m going to detail a situation with a friend of mine just to get it out of the way.  Also since I realize that only the most HARDCORE readers of my diary will read any new entry besides the very latest one, only my best friends and greatest fans will ever read this.  My friend Robin, whom I’ve mentioned many times before is in some serious trouble.  Again.  This time it’s his own damn fault.  Before I get to what is happening now, let me first go over a timeline of what this guy has been through.  Due to a faulty memory, some of the facts may not be entirely accurate but this is approximately what happened.

Like 3 years ago, this guy drives all the way to Texas from Florida (in like 2 days) to be with this girl he had met on the internet and known for a long time.  This would be my friend Kat.  At first he was allowed to stay at Kat’s parent’s house with her, but Kat kept their relationship a secret, and it didn’t take long at all for Robin and Kat’s mother to clash and they’ve hated eachother ever since… but despite that he had a little while to get himself a steady job and go to school like Kat.  He never came through on either one of those points and in a final controntation he was kicked out of Kat’s parent’s house.  He quickly found a place to stay and tried hard to find a job, landing several but losing them all for various reasons.

His landlord finally got fed up with his lack of rent money and evicted him.  I felt sorry for the guy who is one of my close friends and so my parents offered to let him stay in our trailer for 2 months rent-free, so that he could find his own legs to stand on without a landlord breathing down his neck to pay rent.  During his stay, his incredibly foul mouth got him into trouble with my parents more than once, and one time my mother caught him on the phone with his mother screaming angrily at her, and I think that was a definite turning point in my mom’s opinion of Robin.  She chewed him out and made him appologize to his mom immediately.  Turns out Robin is a messy person.  That is being enormously polite about it.  His room in that house he hd just been evicted from was a total wreck, and there was literally a layer of dirt dust and tiny garbage about a quarter of an inch thick on top of the carpet after we threw away all the food, cups, paper, junk, garbage, useless objects, broken computer parts, and general rubbish.  He completely trashed our airstream out ten times worse.

Above and beyond that, he failed to secure a job in those 2 months and when the threat of being out on the street again loomed over him he cracked down on himself and landed a job at RadioShack.  We booted him out and he tenatively got his own place, but then his shitty car broke down and got towed away and impounded, and it would have cost more simply to buy it out of the impound (let alone fix it) than the car was worth, so he was stuck without a car for a logn time.  He got another job at HEB since he had to quit radioshack since he no longer had a way to get to work, and rode his bike there every day until my parents finally pressured him to find his own damn apartment which he did, and once again I helped him move all his junk.  Cleaning out that airstream was a nightmare.  There were smells coming from things I didn’t know could HAVE smells, not to mention how nasty it was to pump out that septic holding tank.  It took 2 OCD people (myself and Brynn) a neat freak Japanese girl (Satomi) his girlfriend (Kat) and himself to clean this place out over the course of about 4 days.  Even then my mom and I came back in and cleaned it again afterwards to make it presentable for new guests.

After all that, Robin was doing well in hsi new apartment, which was really close to my house actually and he’d ride his bike over after work and we’d hang out, and working at HEB he finally started to pay me back for all the money I had loaned him, which I knew he was good for he just needed a steady job and his own place.  Which now he had both.  Kat got a job at Sears and was making her own money, and secretly Kat and Robin would see eachother behind her mother’s back.  Robin was still borderline broke because working a seafood counter doesn’t pay an amazing amount of money especially if you have rent, bike repairs, debts to pay, and yourself to support.  Still…… Kat and Robin had arguments/fights/shouting matches every single day, and when Satomi came to stay with the two of them over Christmas break she pretty much had a nervous breakdown just being aroudn them fighting all the time, which I was the only sane person there to help her out, which in turn made her develop this huge crush on me.

Kat ended up giving him bits of money and when she went to college in San Marcos, that’s when her mom found out that she was spending every single weekend with Robin and threatened to cut off her tuition which Kat’s parents were paying for if she ever saw Robin again.  Did I mention that Kat’s mom and Robin hate eachother?  Well… that kinda worked for a while and Kat got around it by bringing me with them where ever they went to have me pay and she paid me back in cash for Robin’s and her share of everything.  Well… Robin ended up getting fired from HEB too for some stupid thing, and ended up working for some computer repair place.  He got a crappy subaru with a bad transmission from one of his neighbors that when it broke, he fixed up.  That made him start being late on his rent payments again, which trashed any credit he may have ever had because he kept overdrawing his bank account and that’s around the time he got arrested.  I wrote about this earlier in my diary so I won’t go over it agian.  Obviously he got fired again for getting arrested.  Joe, being the kind person that he is, took all of Robin’s stuff to his family’s garage and stored it there for him while Robin was in jail waiting for his bail to be posted, since he obviously got evicted again too.

When Robin got out of jail he snuck down to San Marcos and started to secretly live with Kat in her dorm room with no job being fully supported by her.  Eventually he got found out again and Kat’s parents were pissed and another whole mess started because Kat was lying to her parents, which all of my band members have refused to take part in after all this bullshit.  Kat finally forced his lazy ass to get into school and start taking classes.  He passed his classes with copious amounts of tooth-pullage about his financial aid and Joey, being the kind mexican that HE is, decided to let Robin room with him under the agreement that he get a job and pay only $300/month, to which Robin found a part time job in a machine shop and started keeping up with his end of the promise until his court date hit and all of his money started going towards his parole officer to keep him out of jail and pay legal fees.  This was ok but slowly and surely Robin was being late or not showing up at all to work and they started cutting his hours because he was unreliable.  That brings us to the current shit storm.

Robin agreed with Joey that he had to stay in school if he wasn’t going to be paying the $300 they agreed upon every month, because Joey doesn’t want Robin to go back to jail because that’s a bad thing.  But Robin’s lazy ass let the deadline for his financial aid pass by and now he can’t afford to go to school, and he hardly works (like 15 hours per week) and Joey said "Look, you need to get a full time job and keep up with this stuff if you want to keep living here, and do it by September 15th."  Meanwhile Robin contantly wears Joey’s clothes because either his are dirty or he doesn’t have enough, and Joey gets annoyed because if Robin wasn’t wearing his stuff HE’D be wearing it.  And because Robin is staying home all the time he’s running the AC though Joey expressly asked him not to because his electric bill jumped like $300 because of all the energy used.  Robin still isn’t paying Joey and it’s September 13th and Robin still doesn’t have a full time job and he still isn’t in school and Joey called me today to ask my advice.  I told him he needs to put his foot down and say "dude, get a job or get out."  Though Robin obviously does NOT deserve it I convinced Joey to extend his deadline to September 30th, just to give Robin a chance to get motivated… but it’s his lack of motivation that’s been killing him.  Any time we go anywhere Robin wants to come along and we (me and Joey) end up paying for him.  That or he forgets his fucking ID and we have to change plans.

We buy him beer, we buy him clothes, we buy him food, we pay for him to come to places we want to go, we pay to get him into movies, and Joey is giving him essentially a free ride at his house because Robin cooks (food that Joey buys in the first place) and cleans (when Joey gets on his ass about it) which… Robin’s room is still a wreck even though the rest of the house is neat.  It’s got to stop really.  He’s sort of a nice guy (he’s hyperactive, annoying and obnoxious but otherwise not a bad guy) and he’s honest and he does pay people back when he actually has money for some strange reason when he’s not out of a job or without a house to stay in, and we have a lot in common.  He’s my friend but I can’t SUPPORT him like family.  I wish really hard for him to succeed ON HIS OWN without anyone’s help, but he’s not showing me that he wants to support himself.  All I’ve seen is that he wants a free ride and to mooch off of everyone around him including me, Kat, Joe, Joey, my parents, Joe’s parents, Kat’s parents, his other friends, Brynn, Satomi… even people that work with any of us or are friends of ours.  he’s got 17 days to land a 40 hour job and keep it, or he’s going back to Florida I guess.  To mooch off of his mom.  I don’t think I’m going to be seeing him again.  I slowly stopped feeling any sympathy for the guy by the time he got arrested.  This is his dish water, and he can soak in it alone, thanks.

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September 13, 2006

I read it ;]

September 19, 2006

He either needs a rich sugar mama or go back to the military. No, a sugar mama would get sick of him in a hurry. The military it is!