back from whence ye came!

Heh… if you’re not looking too closely, the title like looks like "back from whence ye camel"  So… Yeah.  The pipes froze over last night.  Just goes to show how often we Texans expect it to freeze, even in the middle of winter.  I just thank me lucky stars and me lucky charms that I’m a boy so I can run outside and pee on a tree.  The other day Joey called me to inform me that we had been signed up (by him) to perform at a music festival thing in March, downtown, for unsigned local acts to be picked up by record labels.  Is that not cooler than a skiing kangaroo’s butt?  It is.  It’s supposed to be over spring break so I fully expect all you with the same spring break to be there, or you can be L7.  I swear, it’s gonna be the most scene thing since Manatee.  Makes me wanna get crancking on the cover art for our CD.

Which reminds me that I never wrote about meeting Stone Cold Steve Austin.  He’s a comic book artist I met through this guy, John, at work.  Jesus Hemmingway Christ, I love working at a frame shop. (I bet none of you knew waht the H. stood for until now.)  Anyway, we seem to have worked out a deal where we’ll be getting all original, L33t-as-fuck comic book art for our CD cover, 4 page insert, and back page.  The idea is that we use random lyrics from all the songs on the album to create a comic to be the background on the insert AND IT’S MY FUCKING IDEA AND I THOUGHT OF IT FIRST DAMMIT!  SO I OWN IT!  So dont’ anyone dare steal my idea until after we’re done with it.  So, yeah I’ll be drawing up ideas and I’ll be scanning them to send to Steve, so I might as well let you few get an insider’s peek.  When you buy the album, you can compare to see just how orgasmic real comic book art is compared to my own.

Today was Ira Gershwin’s birthday.  On the radio John played that Over the Rainbow/Wonderful World medley by that big happy hawaiian dude that plays ukelele.  You know…… Israel Kamanotagonnaremember’isname.  *looks it up real fast* Israel Kamakawiwo’ole… like I said.  this guy:

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The song "Over the Rainbow" was NOT entirely written by Ira after all.  Ira Gershwin wrote the bridge section "One day I’ll wish upon a star… etc."  Good good song though.  I’ll have to dedicate a page to Israel Kamakawiwo’ole’s version though.  but not now.

I, after 2 contributions to KUT, have decided that I’m going to become infamous (more than famous) for making silly pledge challenges druring the KUT fund drives.  Things like
"I challenge all fencers to a duel of pledges!"
"If you always thought that Hoboken, New Jersey was a silly thing to name a town, then call KUT now and pledge"
"If your favourite planet is the sun, let us know by donating to public radio!"
"If all your base are belong to KUT, you are hereby challenged to move zig to the phone and pledge"
"If you’ve ever run for mayor, you are challenged!"
"If you’ve ever called out a challenge during a pledge drive simply to say something rediculous on the radio, we need your pledge!"

That way Wal-mart can keep its dirty corporate contribution money and raise worker salaries.  Today it was brought to my attention just how close Wal-Mart sounds to Voldemort, Harry Potter’s evil satanic nemesis.  Henceforth, from this day shall I ever refer to Wal-Mart as Voldemart, or that store which shall not be named.  I can feel the scars they leave burning whenever I am in thier presence.

I sure am glad to be writing more in this diary thing.  It makes me feel both accomplished and like I have finally foudn one thing I can stick with.  It helps my creative juices too.  I write lots of songs down in here.  One day I will hit a creative brick wall and I’ll be able to look back in this document of my life and go "Oh, yeah!  How did this song go?"  Fucking.        A.     or as they say in Canada:  Fucking,      eh.

My mom is going to make a Star WArs fan film of Darth Vader singing "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash.
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She’s going to show lots of footage of him sinking in liquid hot magma.  HAHAHA!  If I loved my mother any more I’d be a Jew.  As it stands I’m not a Jew…. but I’m jew-ish.  I dig on kosher foods but I just can’t bear to give up bacon and pork chops.  I’m quite circumsized but I question the wisdom of that decision.  I spout random bits of Yiddish, but I can’t fluently speak the language.  Anyway my dad is awesome too.  In light of my sister’s marriage (see prepare yourselves for the strangest day of my life…) he refers to Hector as her "first husband"  XD  He also says he wishes he was gay so he could wear silk kimonos around the house.  My dad fucking rules.  Anyway.  Shalom!

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December 6, 2005

Don’t you just love the shock of living in TX and going to your car and seeing a piece of ice on it? Us Texans are like… OMG ICE!! lol:)

December 6, 2005

Hemmingway…. whaddya know? you do learn something new every day! Great entry, got lots of laughs 🙂

December 6, 2005

You’re a hoot. Sounds like your parents are too. A frame shop huh? Interesting.

December 6, 2005

“Henceforth, from this day shall I ever refer to Wal-Mart as Voldemart, or that store which shall not be named.” damn. good. idea.

December 6, 2005

“F*cking.A. or as they say in Canada: F*cking,eh.” This is why I love you.

December 7, 2005

ryn: a few tidbits about the girl… she’s half mexican half white, she can dance like you wouldn’t believe (real dancing – not that weird ass shaking shit…although she’s good at that too, i’d imagine), she’s absolutely out of her mind, iodine in salt makes her nervous (that’s a new development), and if you end up tracking her down you must not ever mention me. cryptic enough for ya?

December 7, 2005

p.s. please tell me you go to magnolia cafe absolutely every day and eat your weight in gingerbread pancakes… i need to live vicariously through you.

December 7, 2005

ryn: “often enough,” “intriguing enough,” – you’re so cynical in your optimism. whatever that means. anyway, are you a part of the gargantuan cybercirclejerk known as myspace? if so, i can direct you to her page. and yeah. kerby lane. i kissed a boy named butch there once. butch. that was his real fucking name. god you people are hicks. (no, no. i kid.)

December 7, 2005

this was entirely funny. you love wal-mart, just admit it.

December 7, 2005

RYN: yes Aiko is my daughter. Lachlanne I actually met playing Everquest, and altho we live far apart, she is the best friend I’ve ever had 🙂 If I wasn’t so poor- you can bet I’d be taking a trip out east to take her out!

December 7, 2005

nude model huh? it’s been a while. The theater majors would always sit for us (life drawing class) for extra $$. I’m not sure your innocense would be entirely safe with me though.

I could totally see your dad loafing around in a silk kimono and slippers, even though some of his favorite artists are Johnny Cash and Hank Williams.I’m hopin SXSW will pick us in January and then we’ll have 2 showcases in March to play. Sean doesn’t myspace to my knowledge, but his band does, and he knows the password. (hint, hint) Gettin the Hamsters Rollin Joey

Homer: Are you saying you’re never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon? Lisa: No. Homer: Ham? Lisa: No. Homer: Pork chops? Lisa: Dad, those all come from the same animal. Homer: Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.

December 8, 2005

Darn you- I can’t pee on a tree. That would suck if my pipes froze *Mel

December 11, 2005

OMG you make me laugh. This was a good entry. When your mom gets the star wars thing done I have GOT to see it. So March huh? Sounds like a good time to vacation in Texas.