
So I suppose I’ll start with the big news here:  Cait and I are getting married!  weeeeeeeeee!  Not this year but next year.  On April 1st.  No foolin.  That’s the best day ever to get married.  This is for several reasons, the first being that we have no money right now and we want time to plan a great reception.  Also we want to keep our wedding out of the way of my cousin Michael’s wedding in the middle of April.  Actually I don’t think we’re going to have a wedding ceremony as much as we’re going to have a mock-reenactment at the reception.  April 1st 2009 lands on a Wednesday after all, and that’s a bit of a weird day to have a wedding.  I think we should have an ante-versary (ante- being latin for "before") this year so we can have a little gift exchange and do something special.  No one has ante-versaries, so I think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for awesomeness.  We decided around valentine’s day, conveniently enough.  There was some good sexin goin on that day I can tell you.  I like it when we go until SHE can’t go anymore.  I think she gets too sensitive.  That and a little sore.  In any case, most of the time it gets far too hot to keep going.  I’m kind of dreading what it will be like in the summer, unless we keep the thermostat a little lower.

In other news, I’ll be voting for Mr. Obama in the primaries coming up.  Not that I have anything against senator Clinton, but Obama and I fall in line with our views on damn near every issue, and I like the fact that he’s new to politics and that he’ll bring a fresh perspective.  I think that is something that will definitely help him repair our reputation abroad.  And something he mentioned in the recent debates is that he’d talk to our allies as well as our enemies for diplomacy’s sake and I think that is the most important thing he’s said on foreign policy so far.  I like that.  That’s something I’d do myself if I were president.  I still don’t know what will happen as far as the primaries go.  In Austin Obama has MASSIVE support, but that’s one city in a really huge and mildly retarded state, so there’s a lot of leeway either way.  See, Texas is bigger than France, and has probably 10 times the inbred hillbilly population of Michigan’s upper peninsula.  This creates massive problems when it comes to… oh, say voting for George W Bush TWICE, even after he did a fucktarded counterproductive job as governor of Texas.  And in case you’re curious, he’s NOT a Texan, seeing as he was born in Connecticut and lived there for like 7 or 8 years.  Anyway, even if Hillary wins I’ll be ok voting for her because she does know what she’s doing.  I’d really love it if they’d get over what’s expected and just end up in the whitehouse on the same damn ticket.  Then we wouldn’t have to choose between them.

I’m kind of not enjoying work right now.  At least one job for the University is a major pain in the ass.  250 medium-large frames, each with double mats.  I can only make 4 at a time, and I’m supposed to have them done way too soon, and on top of that I have to keep up regular production.  Allow me to put this in perspective.  this job requires over 2000 feet of moulding.  This is solid wood that was packed into 6 large boxes and shipped to us.  that’s about 340 feet in each box, or 34 10 foot sticks.  I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to lift 34 boards each 10 feet long before, but it’s kind of impossible for one person.  That like lifting a 10 foot TREE that’s about 3 feet in circumferece.  The delivery guy and I practically gave ourselves hernias lifting those things off the truck and standing them up on the back wall.  Then came the mats and the backing.  The company we got them from got so excited that we ordered so much that they decided to bless us by putting FIFTY sheets in a single flimsy box, when boxes of 25 would have been not only much lighter, but much easier to handle.  This time I had Brandon helping me, and we had to take the time to tape each box shut with box tape in no less than 8 places or the damn things would have fallen apart  just so we could move them into the room we wanted to put them in, where they’d just be opened again and cut up into smaller pieces.  Now each sheet of matboard and foamcore is 32 X 40.  each frame is about 15 1/2 X 23 3/4.  Just barely too large to be able to get 4 pieces out of.   Which gives us pretty friggin large scraps, and uses a lot more matboard than I’d like to deal with, which is again a pain in the ass.

Cutting them goes 10 at a time.  Each frame has 4 sides, and each side has 2 ends that need to be touched up with a marker, which means I’m putzing along coloring in TWO THOUSAND ends of frames hoping that I don’t miss one, or if I do that no one notices.  Not to mention how many markers I’m gonna go through doing this.  and how much glue will go into each corner.  And we v-nail our frames with a pneumatic underpinner to strengthen each corner.  I space them 1/2 inch apart and it takes 4 v-nails in each corner

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April 11, 2008

HOLY ASSRAPING KABLAM this entry never bolded in my favourites! i was sitting here wondering how i could have possibly not known about your engagement. well, fuck me. p.s. congratulations again!