Annoying in the Forest

Man oh man have I been busy!  When you get a girlfriend (and have to share one computer) you suddenly have no time.  Yes Cait and I are dating and we’re more than likely going to get an apartment around December 1st.  I flew up to Michigan and drove down with her.  Apparently her family approves of me!  yay for my awesomeness.  Cait is so motivated and on top of things!  She’s low maintainence and she’s a blast to hang out with.  Every single day we have new adventures.

The first thing she did when she got back was to apply for like 17 jobs in one day.  She landed 3 of them, but had to pass on the gelato/espresso bar.  She now is sewing custom bras at a nice little custom bra factory, and she going to be a burlesque performer in a local plus-size burlesque troop.  I think she ultimately wants to make enough money to make a living with her arts and crafts.  She crochets, she’s a photographer, she’s a painter, obviously she can sew, she makes costumes… all sorts of fun stuff.  She’s going to make Phoenix Saga brand oven mitts.  unique band merch!  Red mitts with our band logo.  Hopefully she can start screenprinting our shirts for us.

My band is doing really well!  We recently appeared on FOX 7 news in the morning!  there’s a link.  We’ve also updated our myspace page with some new music.  We tried to go on a tiny tour of Texas, but Joey’s Gibson SG broke agian.  the headstock snapped int he same damn place as before.  Hopefully it’ll be ok.  I’m getting him a hardshell case.  seriously.  this is getting stupid.  The one moment he forgets abotu it and doesn’t baby the guitar, it breaks in transit again.  That cut our tour short, but not before we got to hang out at this wonderful little farm with some cool people from couchsurfing.  We did a few chores and I cooked an awesome dinner (we had stuffed bell peppers, mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli) and I got an expensive security system out of it.  Jane and Hank were wanting some cameras for the office when we remodel so now we have some fancy motion activated ones, and a time-lapse VCR for it all.

I think we may be staying with them again come December, because we’ve got more shows in the area.  We’re playing in Killgore, then Shreveport.  We’ve got places all over the stsate that are asking us when we are comign back to play, and we’ve got good offers on the table too.  I’m so happy!  And my cousin Dustin is playing musical saw on one of our tracks.  Pwnage.  I’m gonna call him and see if he wants to make a guest appearance live on stage at one of our big upcoming gigs.  His stage name is Turnstyle.  I’ll let him be the mysterious one.  It works for him.

Also while Cait was looking for jobs online, she found a D&D group looking for a DM, so I called them up, and now I have a D&D group.  She’s coDMing with me.  These guys are awesome.  We have a mysterious elven paladin Roger (pronounced ro-SHAY) whom our halfling ranger found naked and unconscious in the woods with no memory of who he was or where he was from.  The halfling is Chivo LaRiche.  Then there is the half-elven wizard apprentice, Russel Stover.  He is currently under the tutelage of a local wizard named Molotov.  They also met a human druid named Flame.  They’re all noobs so I’m basically showing them the ropes as we go along.  I have much fun DMing for these fellows.  Also Peter looks exactly like my friend Wes.  Cait met Wes.  she says the resemblance is SCARY.

Anyway I have to go for now.  I’ll have to tell of my costumes and stuff later.  Halloween-ish things.  byebye.

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November 6, 2007

awwww what a happy entry. This so made me happy too!

November 7, 2007

happy for you. 🙂

November 9, 2007


November 25, 2007

Cait sounds way cool. And congrats on all the good band news, as well as your D&D fun. =)