…and what’s where baby dwarves come from.

I totally need to update you cool cats.  I have been SO BUSY!  DX  ok here’s a rundown of the last few weeks for me:
Oct. 24 – Tuesday.  8AM-4PM work, 5PM-7PM Suicide Girls DVD signing at Waterloo Records, 8PM-11PM gig at Flamingo Cantina (bringing 2 suicide girls with me)
Oct. 27 – Friday.  8AM-4PM work, 8PM Battlestar Galactica, then FIFA soccer
Oct. 28 – Saturday. 7PM dinner at Stubb’s BBQ and Robert Randolph and the Family Band concert (most excellent), 11PM birthday party for Luke’s sister Lauren (20 years old) with random costumes.  Got so drunk I peed on the balcony.  maybe.  it’s kinda hazy.  left my hat.
Oct. 29 – Sunday. 10AM-2PM austin book faire.  listened to zydeco music, ate an incredibly messy gyro and got several interesting (autographed) books, late evening MASS PWNAGE at FIFA soccer.
Oct. 30 – Monday.  8AM-5PM work (had a long day), mad dash to try to complete my piñata costume for halloween
Oct. 31 – Tuesday. 8AM -5PM work (another long day), another mad dash to try to complete costume (unsuccessful), but gathered Renn fest costume and wore that to 8PM-12PM halloween on 6th street.  kinda boring.
Nov. 3 – Friday. 8AM-4PM work, MISSED Ben Folds to go see 7PM Suicide Girls Burlesque Show pre meet-up, 9PM Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re japanese girl rock band opened for Suicide Girls (check them out), 11PM the SG show FINALLY started.  Got to see lots of boobies, awesome hulahoop striptease and got water and soda sprayed all over me.  Got Autographs from most of the SGs and Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re.
Nov. 4 & 5 -Saturday & Sunday.  Texas Rennaisance Festival!!!  went with Kat, Kai, Dani, Seth and Brent the Jew.  first day sucked ye olde arse.  second day was ye fune.  bought a black leather money pouch, a puffy satin shirt, and convinced one of the ladies to custom tailor me a jacket for my Alucard costume from Castlevania.  that’ll only be $295.  Regular price.  ALSO I convinced the Chainmail shop to honor my 4 year old receipt for a $214 discount on a new chain shirt since my old one had long since been put back into circulation after a 4 year layaway.  they also gave me TWO FREE TICKETS to come back and buy my new hauberk.  I’m looking to go with the suicide girl Ryah.  she’s from Houston.
Nov. 8 & 9 – Wednesday & Thursday.  8AM-4PM work, later BSG infused semi-band-practices.  much tomfoolery.  also Joe’s dog Leroy died on Wednesday.  🙁
Nov. 10 – Friday.  8AM-5PM work (ANOTHER long day), 8PM BSG and black forest cake, much FIFA & drinking followed.
TODAY Nov. 11 – Saturday.  12PM-3PM Went to Art From the Streets hobo art show, bought $35 painting, 3PM-3:30 investigated Sandra Bullock’s new Bistro to be opening Tuesday because we built the frames for all the stuff, and stole a menu for the pre-opening dinner, tongiht at 7PM will be our gig at Common Grounds, then Karaoke at Pardners with the Riot Like Words boys (Wes and Craig being of particular note)

Each one of these events would have drawn a full blown entry if I actually had the time and energy to write about them.  if you need any mroe details on any of these events please ask and I’ll be happy to elaborate.  SO MUCH is missing.  now tomorrow I’m headed up to the Wizard World Comic Convention in Arlington with Ryan, my buddy from SG.com.  The Suicide Girls have a booth there and Aijin and Ryah will be there along with several others whom I have met some and have not met others of.  Other points of interest include Lou Ferigno of the Incredible Hulk, Aaron Douglas of Battlestar Galactica, Ed Brubabker writer of Daredevil, Uncanny X-men, and Captain America, George Perez the famous comic artist, and Jennie Breeden creator of The Devil’s Panites webcomic.  Oh joy!  I’m such a supernerd.  I’m awesometastic.  later!

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Every event you described minus the working part made me happy in pants 🙂 Much Love Joey

November 12, 2006

wow, you are just all up in your busy-ness lately, aren’t you?

November 16, 2006

LoL. I like that you call yourself a supernerd. =) It sounds like you’ve been busy, but it also sounds like a lot of fun. Minus all the long days at work that is! /Hug.

November 17, 2006

“Good gosh darn!” lol. Reading that made me feel exhausted… I hope you got some rest in there…but it sounds like you had a blast! Hope it keeps goin like that for you!