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April 21, 2006

the last time it hailed here (like big hails, not the wee wimpy hails we had a week ago) i put some in a cup and ate it. i was ten. it tasted sweet. TRUE STORY.

April 21, 2006

You write cool letters. Even if it is hot outside. ~

April 22, 2006

you are so cute. this is honestly the best letter anyone has ever written me. my favourite part is all the funny little drawings in random places. YOU GET THAT WITH EMAIL. also, i’ve been wondering if you’d ever get around to recording those songs. if you record mine by july 13th you could give it to me as a birthday present rather than a christmas present. that would be even more awesome. 🙂

April 22, 2006

*you CAN’T get that with email, rather. i should really proofread before i save notes.

April 22, 2006

“insert my own clipart”… you make me smile (even if it is someone else’s letter). ~Cheryl

April 23, 2006

I love the drawings. You’re so cool *Mel

Dude! How many flyers did you use for that thing?…….You shoulda used a full size one rather than the hand out sized ones. At least they were put to good use……To everybody else, come to the show if you can! Joey

April 24, 2006

i totally dig your clip art!!!

April 25, 2006

Ahhhh your letter was cute! I loved the drawings. How are things for the band going? What happened with the snakes thing?

April 30, 2006

hehe, awww…i think its fantastic you write letters like that! :o) Wish ppl would still do that more nowadays… take it easy

May 14, 2006

LoL. That’s a fun letter. It reminds me a little bit of stuff my friend Rachelle sent me while we were in high school and she lived in Texas. =) And mid-90s sounds kind of nice . . . it’s been weird for May here. I’ve had to wear pants and tshirts! Trust me, that’s strange for mid-May in Alabama. 😉