A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord

If you can guess what the title is from you get 500 cool points.  in other news today hundreds of thousands of protestors flooded the streets of Kiev in Ukraine.  seems that that corrupt democracy was revealed and its corrupt leader has been conered by a flood of pissed off and opressed people.  If only we could learn from them.  maybe if we all just stop voting the big corporate machine will break and we’ll be able to build it up from the begining?  oh yeah and speaking of floods, we’re currently 2 feet of rain ahead of schedule for the year.  Austin’s annual rainfall is 31.57 inches per year, only we’ve gotten at least 23 inches over that mark with 80% chance of rain tomorrow.  bunch of people are flooded out of thier homes in central and East Texas.  BUILD YOUR HOUSES ABOVE THE FLOODLINES PEOPLE!  geez.  people are so dense.  needless to say everything is quite saturated with water now.  Oh and then there’s this guy who shot 8 people because they wouldn’t let him hunt from their deer blind…  riiiiiight.  last confirmed report said that 5 of them had died, but I think another wounded one had croaked in the night as well.  Heard on the radio they were calling him names (racial slurs), and he started to leave, but HE says they fired first and he fired back in self defense… first removing the scope from his semi-automatic assult rifle he was gonna hunt a deer with… then taking aim and shooting at them… and the bodies were spaced out so that he would have had to have been running after them at least part of the way to shoot them… but yeah.  he was so defending himself.  Also there’s this business with Tom DeLay.  The republicans actually managed to rewrite a rule that would have removed him from office if he were in fact indicted of a crime bearing a sentence of more than 2 years minimum… a rule which THEY put in to place back in the 90s to deprive democrats of power.  First of all… that’s so hyprocritical that I want to impregnate all thier daughters and give them all abortions just to spite them.  second of all, what the hell are they afraid of?  If his closest staff members have been indicted for crimes and lost their positions, but he had nothign to do with it and they could prove it, then they’d have no reason to change that rule.  If they were running from the fact that the man actually IS a criminal and they just like the way he runs things because of the sole reason that he’s not a democrat (because I can’t think of a single good reason to keep him), then I would want him out of office as soon as freakin possible.  Maybe I sound a bit like the helecopter gunner in Apocalypse Now, but if they start running, shoot em.

As for meeeeeeeeee… I had a great time last weekend.  well, all last week really, starting on Wednesday.  Me and the guys went down to Nacgodoches to see Brian, to take band pictures, to practice some, and to … ya know what I’m jsut gonna put this in another entry.  no one wants to read about boring news anyway.

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November 23, 2004

is that from Charlotte’s Web? or am i just going insane? haha, take care. m/ >,< m/

November 23, 2004

i don’t know what the title is from, but that’s okay. i don’t need your goddamn cool points. i am already the COOLEST PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE EVER. yup. republicans are DUMB. i hate them with the fire of a thousand suns.

wow…okay onto the next one… Incubschic78