
So… yeah.  We’ve had a few gigs recently.  lots of tuesday gigs.  This most recent one was awesome.  We played Saturday night at the Side Pocket Lounge in Killgore Texas.  I had a whole lot of fun and we sold a CD for 2 tarot card readings.  plus we got paid $70.  That’s always nice.  that was a fun gig but since it’s like 4 hours away from Austin we originally wanted to stay out there for the night.  We had set somethign up on couchsurfing.com but our host fell through because she never called back to give us directions.  we called her a 8PM just like we said we would and we didn’t hear anything from her so I ended up downing a bunch of energy drinks and driving all the way back that night.   got back at 6AM.

The gig before that was also very cool.  we played on a local cable show called the infynit hour.

We should be getting a DVD of our performance there. It was strange playing with no crowd only cameras.

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