26 candles? hell no, I want 26 shotguns.

I had a pretty awesome birthday party.  It was Friday after a pretty long day, and we had to do some last minute shopping.  Naturally as we went to the store there were a million whiny children in the way and a million old farts with no clue how to work the self checkout registers.  Naturally Cait was in a pretty bad mood from this and I was worried she was going to be pissy all during the party.  I started making my asian cole slaw which was veeery tasty, and I made crab rangoon which was amazingly tasty.  It was my very first time though so I had the oil a little too hot at first and I burned the first few, but after I turned the heat down it went much more smoothly.  Note to those cooking on an electric stove without a thermometer, put the burner at about 4 or 4 and a half.  that’s about 350 to 375 degrees.  Also never EVER put hot oil anywhere.  wait for it to cool.  I’m an impatient retard and now I have the polka dots of boiling oil burns to prove it.  that was fun though.  And I made some TASTY crab puffs.

So Jennifer was the first to arrive.  She came bearing housewarming cookies and they were delicious.  We also had some samurai trail mix, yogurt covered pretzels, chips and salsa, and those Japanese shrimp flavored chips.  So she got there and I gave her the t-shirt I had waiting for her forever, and we sat down and watched the break dance instructional video my mom bought for me for my birthday.  There could not have been a funnier thing to watch at a birthday party.  Oh and my cake was the red velvet cake with cream cheese icing.  Technically she was the only one who arrived when she was supposed to.  Everyone else was late.  Unfortunately she had to leave early (before anyone else got there) because she had an early day of work in the morning.

Then Pudding got there.  His name is Jake (short for Jacob), and we call him Pudding because his handle on Suicide Girls is AxisOfPudding.  Like axis of evil but different.  I explained it thusly:  "The axis of pudding is adjacent to the axis of evil, and where they intersect is… large pearl tapioca pudding.  The most evil of all puddings."  This was actually the first time I hung out with him when it wasn’t part of an SG meet-up.  So he didn’t know any of my other friends really.  But he got along just fine.  About 10 is when everyone else showed up.  I also ordered pizza which showed up then as well.  So Luke and Christina, Joey and Robin, and Joe all showed up and we had a merry old time.  We watched Death Proof since we still had it rented, and we mostly ignored the talky parts and watched it when awesome crashes and car chases started.  We had more important things to say anyway.  Joey made his flaming Dr. Peppers which got everyone hammered pretty well, and we had beers and plum wine to wash it all down.  There was plenty of food, and after Death Proof we went back and watched the break dance video again for the people who missed it.  only we put it on double speed, so he was speaking in gibberish and half words and doing insanely fast break dancing.  it was HILARIOUS.

We had some good conversations, I scanned a few pictured for Robin and gave his sketch book back to him that I ‘ve had for over 6 months, I got Our Lady Peace: Happiness Is Not A Fish You Can Eat from Joey, Robin’s getting me David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars for free in the mail from BMG, Joe got me a new set of dice because we’re nerds like that, Pudding brought me a burrito from Taco Bell, and Luke and Christina brought beers and soda.  or "pop" as the silly northerner says.  😀  I know she’s reading this.  I love you honey!  And we had a grand old time.  Saturday I had to get up early and take my mom to the airport so she can go see my sister and go to San Fransisco, THEN I had to help move my grandmother into a new room at her nursing home, and that went until about 2 (for me).  I picked up a blender, a serving bowl, several vintage ties, a pitcher, and some tall glasses.  We only had mugs up until now.  Our blender is awesome.  it’s 50’s avant garde chrome.  Old people have the coolest shit.  Ever.  Then after I got home, I took a quick nap until my cousins Michael and Heya showed up with my christmas/ birthday present, and an invitation to their wedding.  It’s in April I think.  They got me a water vortex with color changing LED lights.  It’s like a modern version of the lava lamp that doesn’t get all hard and crusty with age.  and a dvd of people who really ought not to be alive right now.

Anyway we had a little nice chat and sent them on their way.  Then we had about 2 hours of very intense sex, every which-a-way and it made for a very nice birthday present.  She lost count after 7.  She doesn’t have the Princess Leia gold bikini yet but she’s working towards it.  Actually that gives me an idea for HER birthday…

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