Who else thinks that…

Evensong is a good name for a girl. And Joshua for a boy? Just wondering… so, today was a quiet day, no real activities, it is a regular week, with my bath days; Tuesdays and Fridays, with maybe an exception for Friday as it’s New Years Day… and the previous night is Hogsmanay… so maybe Wednesday Liz will bathe me? She celebrates the Scottish New Years.
Yepp… so, what is up my dears? Are you partying it up COVID style? (ie, tossin’ back the bubbly or whatever by yourself?) or just saying “Fsck it! 2020 needs to get it’s arse kicked by 2021! I need to sleep the sucker away”? Or… idk. LOL! I will tell you what I am doing on said Fun Time End of Year special day… I be eating a nice fat panzerotti/calzone, a nice sized box of fries and a Diet Coke… and then, in the spirit of the times (no Jolt cola here ppl, but wtf eh?) staying up waayyyy past our bedtimes giggling and just yakking our brains out. Can y’all say “OMG They have replaced the real Sammy with an alien!!!” Or maybe not. I am not going to be abducted (me thinks!) aaand nope. No sweetened bevvies tonight. Although I am craving a nice juicy pepperoni calzone… holy carbs Batman!!
Yeah, so unless Tracker has a better plan, this is what is, and I’m stickin’ to it damnitall. No booze thank you. eyes Tracker carefully
Be safe y’all. I loves u.