So… this another of my life stories. I’m the only one of me, unless I have a secret twin….? IDK…
Today is Thursday, the zoom meeting, is now today. Don’t ask why.. bc I have no bloody clue… something about helping a neighbor with a flooded basement… I wonder if she will talk about my finances bc my Jan check is in the mail on the 20th of December.. and I would like to get presents for Bees and Julz,
Today is my big sister Wen’s birthday.
I have another Brendon Urie vid for you…
So, I noticed that a lot of you were chatting about rednecks. I think it’s the mentality… y’know? That’s what I like to see, lots of lively conversation!
So, what are you doing these days?
good morning!
@kaliko Good afternoon!
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question? Why is it you have to wait for your money to be given to you? Or is this just extra money where you don’t have to pay bills?
@jaythesmartone It was given by Dave usually but not now.
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Yes, we are the only one of me. Isn’t that incredible? Of all the people who lived and died, there is no exact copy. That’s something special.
@kotila Aye Jon.
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Love Taylor Swift
@cherrywine_1 Me too! She is talented and beautiful. Her birthday is in a few days (the 13th) cool eh?
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I hope your Zoom meeting went well.
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