Tablet order…

So that is my order. I’m giving Bees money and perhaps Julie too, bc tbh it’s easier? Maybe Bees can find some blue jays bedding elsewhere bc the seller of the blanket is in China… hmm… and my Switch will have to wait.
My meds are kicking in, so, I will sign off… until after 1oa…
It’s kind of not bright that the memory card comes before the tablet.. Not sure why they do that….
@jaythesmartone They are stupid af.
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I bought a Kindle Fire HD 8 but haven’t used it much. Not sure why that is. You’d think that someone would use something like that after spending the money on it. Perhaps I’ll try using it today.
@kotila Amazon’s products are very nice.
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Congratulations! I love the excitement of having an order on the way!
@chalandra Ty Chalandra
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My mom has an 8″ Fire tablet. She loves it.
i have a 10″ one, and I use it All. The. Time. ( i’m using it now)
@gypsywynd Heh…
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Gifting money is definitely easier.
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