Sunday Survey snatched from Kat!
TY @kaliko
1. Have you ever used a dating site/app?
Like Tinder? Or PlentyofFish? Or Jewish Mingle? Maybe but a fat lot it got me. -________-
2. If you could live anywhere other than where you live now where would it be?
Um, maybe the UK. Wales to be exact. I always fancied living abroad.
3. Do you recycle?
Yes yes yes!
4. What is the weather like right now, as you write this?
Freeze your tits off weather and snowing!
5. What was the last video you watched on YouTube?
Um, this one.
6. Write a news headline about your life.
Mad Jewish person lets out cats who “knead” (you cat owners know what I mean!) all the Toilet paper at Costco. Evades arrest.
7. What does the fourth text message in your phone say?
My sister lost my cell, so nothing.
8. How many states have you been to?
None of them.
9. What was the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Theatre? Um something about a psychotic girl and an invisible man? It has literally been forever…
10. What was the last movie you watched at home?
Little Rascals and Good Will Hunting…
11. Do you daydream?
Yes. Often.
12. Where was the last place you went?
Um, I went out to Subway bc I had to fast for an appt.
13. What was the last show you watched an episode of?
IDK… don’t watch much shows..?
14. How many other countries have you traveled to?
Just Canada. Manitoba to visit my great aunt.
15. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number?
16. What is something you are relieved about right now?
That this year is going and perhaps we will get a vaccine for this accursed disease.
17. What do you think of the Kardashians?
Just another fake af tv fam.
18. So far today how much have you gotten done off your to-do list?
I need to do some laundry … badly.
19. Have you been in the hospital in the last 24 months?
20. Spring, summer, fall or winter?
Haha!! Winter. ducks flying objects
I was throwing a snowball at you for sure
@kaliko LMAO!!
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Didn’t your sister ever tell you not to steal things from others? But since you did I will be stealing this from you so there……LOL
@jaythesmartone evil laugh
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Yout be enjoying that weather then.
@ilcc Yepp… should be used to it by now after what? 46 years?? Yea..
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