Stupid Windows 10
I was trying to extract a very large file onto my computer’s tiny HD, and of course, no go. But, then I had the genius idea of putting them in the drive as chunks, and bingo! Sammy – 1 and Win10 – 0! The program works like a charm! You’d think Microsoft was a bit smarter but nope.
I’m just drinking a squishie and wondering if I should do laundry today or Monday… I think maybe Monday? IDK… it’s Boxing Day today but no shoppers congregate in the mall, bc a) COVID and b) COVID. COVID-19 has ruined Boxing Day. I suppose that you can do it online… here is the history of Boxing day..
I’m just going to lay low today, and just relax. :3 I was up earlier reading my lovelies blogs. The majority of you had a good Xmas and that is great. For me the hols were a bittersweet affair. I’ll just leave it as is. The explanation is kind of a trigger of bad emotions. But I got this soft knitted shawl in pastel colors, I love it. I will take a picture of me wearing it.
Whom ever knitted that, I love you and appreciate your kindness.
Right now, I took my Seroquel (bc the Lithium was making my feet and hands and body like the Stay-Puft marshmallow man) and a variety of other shit, and I had two pc of toast, so I am fine. Just trying to watch what I eat.
Have a good post-Christmas day.. for the menfolk on my reading list, are there any good sports on today?? For the womenfolk, what do you do today? Sleep in, or clean up the mess? Or both? There was minimal mess with us, bc we had giftbags.
Love ya all.
I am glad yesterday came and went….and today I get to bug hubby as he is watching the football games.
@jaythesmartone Ah… so there is sports?
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I will eat leftovers and enjoy that Christmas is over. I love the season but am also glad when things go back to normal. No sports in my house unless you count playing catch with my puppy. Have a good day: )
@chalandra We don’t usually have leftovers past Boxing Day….
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Congratulations on your win over Windows! I don’t think I would have known how to do that. Yes, I’ll be watching football today, but I would like to watch my PBS cooking shows. Perhaps I’ll watch both, flipping back and forth between channels. You have a great day as well!
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we want in to lookdown about a week ago in Hamilton
@ihavenoarms That’s too bad, y’know?
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I didn’t know about Boxing Day till we were in Australia for it. To be honest, even in a COVID-free world, it was a nightmare to be around so many people, and it was miserably hot and humid. Haha. But of course it’s winter up there in Canada, so not the same.
@free_spirit_gal OMG you poor thing.
Yeah Canada is great. 
@zombieinfusedtea I’ve never been to Canada, but I’m a huge fan! I’m very sensitive to cold, cause I’m from Brazil and grew up in Florida, so I think I’d suffer there, like, I’m cold in California haha, but I dream of visiting one day, and if it wasn’t for that sensibility, I’d wanna live there.
I met a lot of Canadians while traveling too. You guys are cool. 
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