Straight from the Heart…

I’m listening to Bryan Adams and thinking about packing it in. I’m getting very tired… IDK where Bola-bat is, but I’m not her keeper so…. so tomorrow is the 8th of December. My sister’s birthday is on the 10th and my brother and friend is on the 11th. They don’t want anything but that will not stop me from warbling Happy Birthday to both of them!
I hope things are well, and you aren’t wigging out with the pandemic. We will beat this disease. We will. I know it. If not, we can contain it with the vaccines!!
Happy Birthday to your family and friend! Bryan Adams always reminds me of being a kid and playing in my friends tree house and riding her horses.
@babbler TY. Nice memories!
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I love Bryan Adams. :). Have you ever really loved a woman is the most romantic song.
@catholicchristian Yeah, I like the Summer of 69.
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Happy bday to the sis, bro, & friend
@cherrywine_1 TY
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Bryan is one of my favorites…specially “Everything I Do.”
@chalandra That is so romantic!
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I hope that your sister and your friend had good birthdays.
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