
This picture of ppl skating on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa, makes me want to start learning how to skate bc I really don’t know how to either skate or rollerblade … worth crap. I have terrible balance issues but still it looks amazing. Do you skate in the winter time or if you don’t get a winter, rollerblade??
I’m bored shitless. The party was a snooze. I aced the “Guess the Music” part bc I know my music. I kick arse.
Pizza night here. I am in 7th heaven. I had pizza Friday, Saturday and now today!
You bet your kitten britches!! I was raised Italian.
I played hockey as a teen. Haven’t really been on the ice since. Figure skating was never easy for me, the skates are so different…Mmmmm pizza…
@soldis Yes… I would think hockey skates are different from the others. More rugged.
Yepp pizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
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as a kid I did… I was not very good but I could keep balanced. where I live lakes, ponds and such really do not get frozen enough to skate on without the chance of falling thru. but we had a roller rink and ice rink
@kaliko Do you skate now? Like can you still? I guess that this is an acquired skill??
@zombieinfusedtea I have not tried for quit a while… I still can skate board
@kaliko Ahaha!! You can teach Brooks how to skate like his uber cool granny!!!

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My daughter and I both skate, we only have indoor rinks here and I love to ice skate. She’s a little superstar and I can just regular skate but it’s good fun!
@baileys-kisses And great exercise too. I want to get some skates… I also want to learn in an indoor rink, bc our outdoor rink is too hard for me. Gotta get to the Ray Twinney complex for that.
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Sorry to hear you’re bored.
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