Prince Harry may be a redneck but not the Queen…
I’m watching a Netflix program called the Queen. Bees is under the assumption that Queen Elizabeth is a redneck, but I assured her that Her Majesty isn’t… maybe her grandson Harry… but certainly not any other — Charles might be a redneck. Who knows? And, I’m sorry if I offend you… this is just the way Bees and I see things.
I’m just waiting for Heather for a zoom meeting. I am quite tired. I hope it’s soon.
Matt Smith (the Eleventh dr in Doctor Who series) plays Prince Philip.
Sims stuff coming very soon!
I watched this series through to the end of this season. Until this season I’ve always had great sympathy for the family as they are portrayed, but this season I found all of them, including Diana, unlikable. It’s hard to imagine growing up and living life under the burden of royalty. I’m not sure what you mean by redneck in this case, maybe you can expand on that?
@chalandra Redneck meaning like a common idiot.
@zombieinfusedtea Thanks for explaining. I would describe my Dad as a redneck. He was a logger and a farmer who did hard honest work his whole life to keep us in food and clothes. He worked outside in all weather, rain, snow and hot sun, thus the red neck. My Mom would go to the library once a week and bring him home a stack of books which he read diligently. I think many people use the term in a derogatory manner, but to me it’s just a word to describe good people like my Dad.
@chalandra Very good. Not everyone is a redneck — in a bad way.
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You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
1sometimes disparaging : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class
2often disparaging : a person whose behavior and opinions are similar to those attributed to rednecks
@snarkle LMAO.. The Princess Bride!! I love it!
@dragontears Inigo is correct.
@snarkle Yupp Snarkle.
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I know there are more red necks in the USA then there are in Canada .
@jaythesmartone I doubt that lol
I know people I have met over the years that have married red necks because of where they came from…..
@jaythesmartone why do you think there is more in the USA?
@jaythesmartone Really??
Here is where they all are….
Yeah because this is where they are and they are proud to be termed rednecks.
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none of them are what I call a red neck
here we consider a red neck as a hill billy. low education, rough edges, uncouth, gun carrying, no laws type person like the beverly hillbillies
you need to get out more…maybe travel to the south and you will see the newer version of a red neck…..the ones I know are smart and educated.
@jaythesmartone just saying that is what we consider a red neck to be. what do you call a red neck?
@jaythesmartone lmao that is a funny thing to say to me considering a travel the world a lot when covid is not around
@kaliko Right… mostly.
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Bees is probably the first person whose ever said that Queen Elizabeth is a red neck. It’s a show that I haven’t seen though.
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