Moves like Jagger? Nope…
He is a bloody lech. I’m listening to Maroon 5. I already had 3 cups of water, and it looks like I’ll be on my umpteenth when Ry gets up. I am pretty sure that one of my meds — the anti-psych ones, is causing my score to be elevated. Also, I’m having more accidents despite me going before bed… stupid fucking medications
Am I the only one who thinks Eric Carmen in the 1980’s was fucking hot?
Noms.. LMAO!! That’s me! Forever guy crazy!!
I fell asleep for about an hour… I was so tired.
Anyways, have a great Bunday!
My first reaction to that song was that I’m happy R2D2 found a new gig.
(I’m married to a basic white check; she loves that stuff….)
@control-h omg
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It broke my heart to find out Eric Carmen is a rabid Trumper.
@wren Ugh.
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Hope you were able to figure out why your score is so high.
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