Meet Callum

Yepp.. I finally got Callum. He is a monster of a computer. I think he’s an Alienware computer. Idk. He’s a 1 tb 17″ behemoth… I might need to replace the battery but that is fine …

I learned yesterday that I hate marionettes… Or puppets if you will. I was watching the bride of Chuckie. I hate that movie, a) bc of the evil puppets, and b) Jennifer Tilly. Ugh.

Well, I’m waiting for win10 to finish up installing…



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October 3, 2020

I love watching the Chunky movies (I haven’t seen the remake). Silly and mindless. 😀

October 3, 2020

You’d hate my grandparents, they had creepy dolls over their entire house.  Even a red painted  room with a bunch of clowns and geisha dolls.  It got worse as they got older too.  They talked to them and had names for all of them…even taking family style photos with a “realistic” little boy doll named Preston.  I was convinced the doll was inhabited by a ghost or something haha!  Pretty creepy stuff, my husband was pretty taken back the first time he saw it in person. 😂  Jennifer Tilly’s performance is maybe scarier than the dolls in that movie, I have to agree with your loathing of her hahaha

@gtlunar That is just weird af. 😮 I love reborns though.

October 3, 2020

I never did see any of the chunky movies.

I think lap top batteries are some what expensive…..

@jaythesmartone Not really…. you are better not. They suck.

October 3, 2020

Yay for new computers! Out of curiousity, what was it running before win10?

@smokedragon I cant get it to win10. It is running 7.

December 17, 2020

Yay for the new computer.