It’s in the way you walk…

I’ve loved Lesley Gore ever since I was 7. I used to (and still do!) sing along with her. She is/was a classy lassie. My favorite song by her was this…
Right? But my favorite now is “Maybe I Know”.
Tonight is the last day of Hanukkah… and then we go to Christmas and then New Years! I fervently hope that 2021 will be better than 2020.
I have been elevating my feet above my heart at night… and I have a vascular scan tomorrow… so wish me luck non?
I took my meds and I’m still taking clonazepam… which as you know knocks me out cold… I can fight it, but then I feel like a zombie for the rest of the day.
I had pierogies and salad for lunch… I think after this, I might go down for a nap? Or I just might futz around the Interwebs bc I had two cups of coffee before eating.. so I’m more alert now. Tonight we are having boneless pork chops–the killer ones from the butcher? Oh yes. The best kind.
I hope that Wen put in the order for Amazon, and I shall give her $400 for the purchases, bc I think Dave will still have control of my finances.. so no bank card yet. I’m sure she did. I’ll ask her later.
I’m getting
- a blanket and $20 to Bees
- an echo dot for Julz and $20 to her as well.
- and a pink Switch Lite for me,
And of course I keep the rest of the cash for me. They are talking about getting me a pgt (public guardian trustee) so that is good news bc they will help me budget. I feel so down when I look at Bee’s gift. It seems so… cheap? Maybe I will give her $50? Yeah… $20 for Julz bc her echo dot is more than Bee’ blanket… (I think)
I had a quiet Hanukkah. Not a lot of presents or latkes But having my fam around is enough for me.
question? do you know a lot of Yiddish words? i recognize all that you use….small world huh?
@jaythesmartone I know a bit.
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Sounds like a great holiday!!!
@kaliko ty
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Sounds like you got some good gifts. And I’m sure it’s nice to always have your family around.
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Pork chops . . . yum. With apple sauce and fried butter noodles. Okay, now I’m hungry.
Good luck with the scan.
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Good luck your scan tommorow!
The gifts for the sisters sound great
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I hope that they give you a pgt.
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