I hate fasting…

Happy Patriots Day to those who … acknowledge it. I remember where I was when the towers fell… I was in bed with a broken leg, listening to Howard Stern (I had weird tastes then…) and he was going on about something and then he was like “Holy fuck! Someone just flew into the World Trade buildings!!” and I was like…. wha—??? I just was waking up and I was not quite sure so, I made my way up stairs and then, I saw it on tv… I was like holy shit. But, kindness prevails.
In other news, I am waiting on stupid Lifelabs…. if they come late, I will blow my top.
How are my beauties this autumn day?
I was working as a billing agent on the phone when the towers were hit. The person I was talking to paused and started to cry and told me. I hung up with her and went to the break room and saw the second tower get it.
@mamaqueenie518 OMG.
That must have freaked you out.
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For some reason I was watching TV and then the breaking news came on.
@jaythesmartone Crazy times.

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I’m ok.
Prolly post my 9-11 story later.
@smokedragon I’ll read it.
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I was in high school, finishing a test in American Government when the teacher made the announcement. It was just a bizarre, scary day.
@queenofegypt It was wasn’t it?
@queenofegypt I suppose the teacher waited for you to finish the test. I wonder if the teacher seemed upset, if anybody noticed.
@sleepygene The way I remember it, he’d gone to the faculty room to make copies and that’s when he found out. He told us as soon as he got back, I think.
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I listened to Don and Mike that day.
@tunguska Aha.
@zombieinfusedtea The Morning Zoo. Somebody deployed TVs tuned to CNN that day, all over my workplace. This was before CNN was denounced as Fake News. How can anything you see photographed be considered Fake News? I don’t know. That’s why I’m not a republican/trump voter/conspiracy lunatic. Fake News can bite me, and I don’t mean the kind unbiased new sites distribute. I mean “Faux News” and not CNN or NPR. I am not biased, I am just looking for the Truth. With, “Evidence,” you know? Not the truth that deluded people know in their hearts.
@sleepygene CNN is on half the time at our home, and at one point they reported that Pelosi had done her hair w/o a mask. LIKE WHO GIVES A CRAP!? I totes agree.
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What a weird place to be in when you heard the news. I was in 5th grade and I was in school when the attacks happened.
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