Hey you…
I have this song in my head this morning, I got up at 4a and went back until 7:30a, and at that point, I thought that I had slept the whole fucking day away and it was now night. I know Ry, Bees and Julz wouldn’t let that happen. Haha!
Well, I have to do my test soon. I need to take my insulin too.
Cool song! Sam is my #1 on Spn but Cas is my #2 my next doggie will be named Cas or Winchester not sure. But I have a 4 year old right now so it will be a while. One pet at a time, he’s like taking care of a 2yr old human kid always in trouble.
@mermycohea Yeah.
I like Cas, Dean, and Sammy…
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Your head must be always full of something…I wish mine was then I wouldn’t get so many blank thoughts.
@jaythesmartone my mind is on word crack
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I remember that song. Sometimes I get a song in my head and can’t let go of it. Strange.
@kotila yup Jon
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4am is so early! I would have went back to bed too
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that is an oldie but a goodie! what year is that from
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nice song
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It’s kind of nice when you think you’ve slept in late but then realize you still have the whole day ahead.
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Ah, I love that British Invasion music!
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I hope that your test went well.
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