Happy Cyber Monday?

Is today Cyber Monday? If so, then, I am going to get my shopping on. Maybe I can get deals? Amazon tells me that half or more of my purchases are eligible for free shipping… which is nice. :3 Soon me pretties! The party starts at 1p and ends arout 3-4p.
I don’t know whatelse I will do today probably attend this party, shop, hang out with y’all.. the rest of the week seems fine, bath days Tuesday and Friday, CMHA meeting on Zoom Friday afternoon. Elena comes Friday… and that’s it. Oh and I need to watch out for my packages… bc they will be here sooner than you think.
December is both my sister Wendy and brother Ryan’s birthdays. Knowing them, they won’t want anything but I will sing to them. <3 Music is balm for the soul. Ryan’s going to be here for Christmas and New Years… so that ought to be fun. Last year it was Wendy, but this year it’ll be Ry.
I love Abba. I’m listening to “Take a Chance on Me” but my fave is def “SOS”.
I like Abba.
Unfortunately I am done all my shopping and some of my stuff is coming 3 days before Christmas which sucks and if it doesn’t come when they say then I will be really pissed.
@jaythesmartone Abba rocks! I still have to do my shopping but that is the fun part. I hate that part… the waiting game? And if my packages don’t come promptly I will take a shit fit. You don’t want to see a redhead’s temper!!
I am very aware of a red head temper…..By the way “I love you”
@jaythesmartone <3 you too Jo.
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Yes, today is Cyber Monday. I won’t be shopping this year because I don’t have the money, though I will be giving small cash gifts to my grandchildren. Have a good day!
@kotila Sounds good!
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I think it was Cyber Monday :).
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