Good Will Hunting…

It’s amusing to hear Matt and Ben’s Boston accents. I’m definitely loving this movie… they got an Oscar for that I think. I love Robin too. Both Matt and Robin make the movie. Ben is a ham… over the top. But that is imho.

We are having pork chops tonight — the good boneless kind, not the GFS shit. Dave Dave said that I am getting $250 each month, he has decided to be my pgt. He wants me to budget my money. I need to pay Bees back…. but I get $250 regardless.  I don’t know what to spend it on. Frankly now that COVID is here, money is .. worthless to me. I have no use for it. Does anyone see things the way I do???? It’s fucking crazy the way of our world nowadays!

Is Robin’s char homeless in GWH?? I have no idea. Matt drives this movie. I reckon that and the Bourne movies made Monsieur Damon. :3

The High & Mighty crew are ordering yet again. Apparently pork chops aren’t good enough for them. I love the boneless ones. They are fscking delish! 


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December 26, 2020

I’ve never actually seen good will hunting, but always thought it looked good 😊


@cherrywine_1 It is a great movie. <3