Gamers be gaming…

Good morning y’all? Did you guys have a good sleep? Or if you are just about to sleep, bon nuit! I just woke up for the second time… before I was up at like 2a? So… tonight’s the night! End of 2020… high hopes that 2021 will be a great year! I just hope Trunk and his cast of idiots are gone, the COVID eradicated… peace in the valley, like I said HIGH hopes. 🙂 Here closer to home, I just want less drama from the High and Mighty clique. That’s all I want. Is for those goons to just fuck the right hell off.

Nintendo is synonymous with Mario right? Or Pokemon? Or both?? Well, I am terrible at Mario games, the only one I seem to be good at is Dr.Mario. I guess it’s a little like Tetris? That’s why… Pokemon, I am most familiar with, I am good at it, I am better at it than I was when I first started out.. LOL!!

I have to teach my sister how to catch better Pokemon, she has about a million ratatta and weedle, I’m like …

No Way GIFs | Tenor

Well, everyone has to start SOMEWHERES.. right? d

Wen is going to sleep in tomorrow, bc she is going to be wiped from tonight. 🙂 I think I’ll be the same. Staying up til midnight after having a greasy carbload fest? AND snacks??? 😮 Go fig. 🙂

I wish people would pronounce scones, the right way. Not “s-cones” but “s-cons” Capisce?

Anyways, I’m just waiting (patiently…) for breakfast.


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December 31, 2020

I have high hopes for 2021 as well. We’ll see how it all plays out. Thank you for the correct pronunciation for scones. I didn’t know that.