From Tracker

The alphabet survey

How about one more before the New Year.

A- Age: 46 years old
B- Biggest fear: Losing Bees 🙁
C- Current time: 5:30p
D- Drink you last had: water 🙂
E- Every day starts with: a good breakfast
F- Favorite song: Shake it off by Taylor Swift
G- Ghosts, are they real: Very much so.
H- Hometown: Newmarket, Canada
I- In love with: Leonardo DiCaprio ha ha!!
J- Jealous of?: People living below the Mason-Dixie line. I want to live in the southern US.
K- Killed someone?: Nope. I am innocent of that crime.
L- Last time you cried?: I don’t remember, maybe last week?
M- Middle name: Don’t have one. It’s just Samantha Josephine.
N- Number of siblings: 5
O- One wish: peace in my particular valley
P- Person you last called: Maybe Heather??
Q- Question you’re always asked: Are you ok?
R- Reason to smile: Got my Switch!
S- Song last sung: Shake it Off?
T- Time you woke up: 8:30a
U- Underwear color: White
V- Vacation destination: The UK
W- Worst habit: Time spent on internet
X- X-ray: foot
Y- Your favorite food: Pizza!
Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer with a Sag ascendant and moon sign. :3 I’m the original oxymoron.
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December 29, 2020

I live on the mason dixie line lol


@kaliko Yeah, somewhere there. 🙁 Like not snowy all the time?

December 29, 2020

I love Bee’s as long as they fly away from my face lol Silly Bees.

I may steal this….

@mermycohea Bees is my youngest sister Mermy LOL!!

December 29, 2020

Isn’t the Mason Dixie line where some of the red necks live? Or is it something to do with the confederates that use to live there…

@jaythesmartone It divides the north and south US. 😛

December 30, 2020

lol Sorry I call my baby sister Bird cause my dad always did and he called me Duckie He always said my sis had bird legs and I would get mad like Donald Duck…

@mermycohea LOL!! Aww… so cute Mermy!