Family ties

Here is how I’m alike to my “family”

Dave – we are both Jewish and passionate goofy people

Ryan – we both have a very warped sense humor

Wendy – we are both vibrant people with red hair. 🙃

Bees – we are the most similar. Like Thelma & Louise without the death. Fate.

Julie – we are both emotional caring women.

Robin and the gang – we share many of the same values


Et voila,


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September 25, 2020

That is so cool…each one has a trait that is similar to you…

@jaythesmartone Aye. 🙂 That’s what makes us a family. 😀

September 26, 2020

Great connections with each of your family.

September 27, 2020

Nothing like family to get you through both bad and good times.

@wildrose_2 Amen Kerry. 🙂

December 17, 2020

That’s so awesome that you have different things you appreciate in your family.