Do it the way I like it…

Hey… so, yesterday I watched Stand By Me; which has to be my all-time favorite movie. I just love the fact that River Phoenix was in it … as well as Corey Feldman, Jerry O’Connell and Wil Wheaton. But I love River.
I liked his brother Joaquin in Joker but River will always be my favorite. Incidentally his gf at the time was a Samantha!
3 Q’s to Ponder
- Who is your favorite of the aforementioned group of actors?
- Have you ever had baked Alaska?
- Are you a cat person or a dog person?
I don’t have a favorite group of actors, I have had Baked Alaska while on a cruise ship. It was very good! And I’m more a dog person but I like cats too.
I@mamaqueenie518 I have never had baked Alaska… I know eh? You have your doggos.
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I like all of them, I just can’t pick one.
I think I have had Baked alaska at a fancy restaurant once
and I am more of a dog person but dogs that don’t shed.
@jaythesmartone Like a chihuahua? I want baked Alaska now damnit! LOL!!!
@zombieinfusedtea Ohhhhh believe me Chihuahua’s shed like there is no tomorrow I could sew a blanket with the fur Thumps loses lol
@mermycohea LOL! A lab then?
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I love both cats and dogs but I am definitely a cat person first and foremost.
@queenofegypt Me too.
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That’s easy. PEZ. Cherry flavored PEZ. No question about it. And I have made and tasted Baked Alaska just because I didn’t think it was possible. I was always a cat person and lived with quite a few. Several lived to old age, and several met untimely deaths. Last year I got a puppy, my first dog in my adult life and I can’t imagine life without her. But really, it’s all about Cherry PEZ. No question about it.
@chalandra Cherry pez! I remember pez. I had a Fred Flintstone dispenser LOL
@zombieinfusedtea haha! I love that scene in Stand By Me.
@chalandra I love when Lard Ass spewed everywhere at the pie eating contest?
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I like them all. I haven’t had Baked Alaska. I’m a dog person, but don’t have one anymore.
@kotila Aw..
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im a cat person
@ihavenoarms Do you have any Todd?
@zombieinfusedtea I had a cat for over 15 years but had to have her put to sleep a few years ago as she stopped eating
@ihavenoarms sorry to hear that Toddw
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I liked Will at the time but River was the best actor
I dunno what Baked Alaska is? Sounds fishy
I am a small dog person…I do like Cats but my skin and nose do not…
@mermycohea I agree… I liked Wil in Star Trek TNG as Wesley Crusher.
It’s a dessert. Ahh.. do you like schnoodles? I have one.
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I love baked Alaska. I haven’t been able to find it in years though.
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